Published Mar 6, 2014
353 Posts
Ever come home from a shift where even the tiniest of extra, unexpected chores makes you want to break down and cry?
That happened this morning. Came home to find out my son had wet the bed. Had a mini melt down and instead of washing the sheets and bedding for the umpteenth time I just ordered bunk beds, brand new mattresses and a plastic mattress cover. The other bed will be by the side of the road tomorrow. Good riddance I say!
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
My kids were small. I had a string of bad nights. I always tried to have dinner ready for my hubby and the kids so I could ACTUALLY LAY down once he got home. I made homemade sauce and meatballs one night. He came home and made some lame comment about "Spaghetti again?" I took and dumped the entire pot in the trash and told him " The kids are fed, you however, can starve for all I care I'm going to BED!"
I got a dozen roses the next apology...AND pre-made dinner service for a month.
He never made that comment again....
When I first started, I had my first night off after working 5 in a row and the adult male that I share my bed with asked what was for dinner. I said poptarts and he laughed. After seeing the look on my face and realizing I was NOT kidding, he grabbed his keys and wallet and took off for the grocery store.
on a side note...little boys are notorious for this...they sleep so soundly. My son used pull ups for a while. It saved my sanity we called them his nighttime underwear.
85 Posts
Been there done that! Haha! My family is now almost trained that after working a 12 hour shift that 1) house WILL be picked up before mom gets home. 2) Either you cook or you starve 3) DO NOT wake me unless someone is bleeding or not breathing!
But luckily my kids are older now... It is much harder when they are young. But one day they will realize how awesome you are, how hard you work and love you for it!!!
238 Posts
Once, when 9 month's pregnant, I went to the drive-thru at McDonald's on my way home from the hospital and bought enough milk to get through the week. It cost me many times over the usual amount for milk, but I just couldn't waddle into the grocery store one more time!
imintrouble, BSN, RN
2,406 Posts
Been there done that! Haha! My family is now almost trained that after working a 12 hour shift that 1) house WILL be picked up before mom gets home. 2) Either you cook or you starve 3) DO NOT wake me unless someone is bleeding or not breathing! But luckily my kids are older now... It is much harder when they are young. But one day they will realize how awesome you are, how hard you work and love you for it!!!
I was with your post until the last part
No they won't. They'll remember you didn't feed them. You were ALWAYS ASLEEP. They always had to pick up the house.
If you count "one day" as when they have kids of their own, and are experiencing the same thing, maybe.
That's when you can smile at your grandkids when they say, all Mom ever does is sleep
473 Posts
I got home from night shift once and my husband had not walked the dog, as he felt it would be easier for me to do it since I didn't "have anywhere to be." I am usually pretty even keel, but being sleep deprived, pregnant, and generally worn down from a crappy night completely lost it and went into near hysterics. Needless to say dog goes potty before I get home now.
[/b]I was with your post until the last partNo they won't. They'll remember you didn't feed them. You were ALWAYS ASLEEP. They always had to pick up the house.If you count "one day" as when they have kids of their own, and are experiencing the same thing, maybe.That's when you can smile at your grandkids when they say, all Mom ever does is sleep
They loved our darkened room parties where they watched movies and popped popcorn on the blown up mattress in the middle of the room, while I dozed in the chair. They loved finger painting in the egg crate covered tub on the walls and each other until it was nap time. They loved snuggles in the bed while they watched TV and I dozed.
They loved that I made every school party and field trip and they knew that working nights was what was necessary for that to happen. They knew I was a nurse and that I "kissed BooBoo's" and made them better. When they got older they would make their own lunch and watch movies or play video games for a morning nap. I was there for them.
They never spent not one moment in day care. They were always in the care of my husband and myself.
While I spent many years as a zombie....I have never regretted my choice
Of course once I buy the bunk beds my car decides to go kaput
Murphy's luck ((HUGS))