It was just one of those nights


Ever come home from a shift where even the tiniest of extra, unexpected chores makes you want to break down and cry?

That happened this morning. Came home to find out my son had wet the bed. Had a mini melt down and instead of washing the sheets and bedding for the umpteenth time I just ordered bunk beds, brand new mattresses and a plastic mattress cover. The other bed will be by the side of the road tomorrow. Good riddance I say!

Specializes in Ambulatory Surgery, Ophthalmology, Tele.

The "what's for dinner" post hit home. As I developed my nursing skills and worked many a long shift I think I forgot how to cook. :facepalm:

Fortunately all in my family are pretty self sufficient (my youngest is now 13), they had to learn to be when I was going to school six days a week. I remember when I first learned they didn't need me as much: I came home after a long day of school/clinicals, everyone was fed, homework done, kids bathed and ready for bed. I thought, "They don't need me." :( Then it was, "Wait.....they don't need me!" :woot: I can study, read, take a hot bath, etc.

I am blessed with a great hubby who even now doesn't care if I cook as much, especially when I have a busy week. He says, "I haven't seen you all day. Why be in the kitchen when we can order something?" I love this guy. :loveya:

Awwww thank you for sharing that nursefrances. I'm a single mom of two boys ages 11 and 9. I'm dating someone and I have my mother in the house, but........... we are all nurses! At least we all understand when the other may be cranky. Take out is a life saver.

Specializes in CICU.

My kids were small. I had a string of bad nights. I always tried to have dinner ready for my hubby and the kids so I could ACTUALLY LAY down once he got home. I made homemade sauce and meatballs one night. He came home and made some lame comment about "Spaghetti again?" I took and dumped the entire pot in the trash and told him " The kids are fed, you however, can starve for all I care I'm going to BED!"

I got a dozen roses the next apology...AND pre-made dinner service for a month.

He never made that comment again....:roflmao:

I might have needed help dumping a body...

Specializes in Ambulatory Surgery, Ophthalmology, Tele.
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