It wasn't funny


After a long dayshift, finding out I didn't get the promotion (OK, but at least I tried) I was hoofing it through the lobby since the city bus was about to leave. I walked briskly and all of the sudden, a visitor with a big group of people with him jumps out at me and goes "Watch out for that dry spot!" I was startled and stopped suddenly, nearly causing a pile-up from other people walking out at 19:45. He laughed and laughed with his family, who also cracked up.

Seriously people?!? :no:

Jerks surround us, ready to pounce! :cautious:

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
After a long dayshift, finding out I didn't get the promotion (OK, but at least I tried) I was hoofing it through the lobby since the city bus was about to leave. I walked briskly and all of the sudden, a visitor with a big group of people with him jumps out at me and goes "Watch out for that dry spot!"

I'm sorry this happened to you, chacha.

The visitor was probably a surveyor from Joint Commission.

And you know how they are.

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.

Why do those kind of people always think stupid stuff like that is funny, especially to people they don't even know! Sorry about the promotion, you will get it next time!!

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
Why do those kind of people always think stupid stuff like that is funny

Oooooooh! Now I get it!

Joint Commission surveyors are trying to be funny!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !

*wipes tears from eyes*

Now everything makes sense!

Thanks, Daisy4RN!

Specializes in Adult and Pediatric Vascular Access, Paramedic.

So thankful my hospital does not use the joint commission, especially since we have them to partially thank for the opioid epidemic!!!!


Man there are times I'm in my scrubs and I want to give people a piece of my mind for stuff like that. I bite my tongue. Street clothes? Game on :)

Seriously?! It's a hospital not a carnival. People have no idea what our day was like. Like you said...It wasn't funny...or appropriate. Sorry you had a rough ending to an already rough day. The next promotion has your name on it! :)

That was super rude of that person, disrespectful and harassing. What if you had tripped and fallen. It sounds like someone was showing off. Would they have done that to a male administrator or staff member? Bet not. Within your rights to call security, why should they be allowed to harass staff members which is exactly what that was. I am glad I work in a jail, it has made me so not tolerant of stuff like that. Not that you don't know how to stick up for yourself, I have just noticed that in myself after working in jail where I used to be more submissive and non confrontational now when someone shows me personal disrespect....look out. I hope the rest of your week is better!!!!!!!!

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
So thankful my hospital does not use the joint commission, especially since we have them to partially thank for the opioid epidemic!!!!


Perhaps we need to send them a card?


Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
Man there are times I'm in my scrubs and I want to give people a piece of my mind for stuff like that. I bite my tongue.

Oh please don't keep doing that TruvyNurse.

Otherwise you might become a mindless mute.

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
Seriously?! It's a hospital not a carnival.

I don't know about that Psych BSN RN...

We need to find out if the fella had small hands and smelled like cabbage.

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