Is this upsetting to anyone else?

Specialties NICU


Good Morning America had a feature about a "miracle" baby that just went home from the hospital. She was 15 ounces and is now TWO YEARS OLD and finally going home. She is trached, vented, and appears to be severely developmentally delayed. The thing that bothers me is that they're very excited to show this baby at home and the mom is talking about how WRONG the doctors were that told her the baby would never live, etc. They're calling her a miracle and going on and on about how wonderful it is.

I just don't think this is the kind of thing I'd call a miracle. I mean, it does give a more realistic view about what saving a micropreemie means sometimes compared to those true miracle babies that were 300 grams and are now doing absolutely fine. But something about this news story just really really bothers me.

Anyone else???

(If the video doesn't come up, type "miracle baby" in the search box and it'll be the first video - don't know why the link doesn't always work...)

Specializes in Education, Administration, Magnet.

I have just seen the video. They were talking like this is supposed to be a happy video, a happy family, but I just felt sad. That little girl will suffer for the rest of her life.

Specializes in OB, M/S, HH, Medical Imaging RN.

Ya know, when I truely think about it, If that had been my child I may have done "everything" possible to keep her alive. Thank God I've never been in that position. I've lost 2 children but they died in the womb, one being too early to survive, the other not. I'm glad that decision was taken away from me. I truely cannot imagine. I realize the mother is in total denial. I noticed too that there was no mention of a father. She seems to be alone in this.

Anyway the the point I wanted to make was that Good Morning America was so wrong to portray her the way that they did. That poor baby will never be any better than she is now and that's no way for a child to live. Sad that the show would mislead/misinform the general public like that.

Specializes in Maternal - Child Health.

Boy, has this been bugging me all day!

Just a couple more things to add: They really went out of their way NOT to show the medical equipment that had to have been just out of camera range. Pediatric vent tubing is not very long, so the vent had to have been RIGHT there, along with the feeding pump. I wonder how many "takes" they had to do to ensure a "good" one with no pesky medical equipment showing.

Also, quote from vamedic above,"Someone please educate newspeople on the difference between hereditary fat and "healthy".

That baby's cheeks are neither hereditary nor healthy. They have "steroids" written all over them, from fruitless attempts to wean her from vent support.

It's sad and infuriating at the same time. Sad that the baby will likely never have any quality of life, and infuriating that she is being used to raise ratings as well as raise the hopes of parents struggling with their own NICU babies.

Specializes in Education, Administration, Magnet.

What frustrated me the most, was the comment the news woman had made :

"Besides the medical equipment, the baby looks pretty healthy.":eek: I was like, are you serious?????

Specializes in NICU.

People don't think about quality of life. They just associate "alive" with "miracle".

After working in the NICU for a little over a year I realize that death is not the worst scenario. Death is sometimes a blessing.

Specializes in nursery, L and D.

After working with newborns for 3 years, I am thankful I will know the answer to the question, if I ever need it (I surely hope not), "do you want us to resuscitate your 23-24 weeker?" NO! For every baby that is able to walk, talk, and function after being born this early, how many can't? How many have the quality of life this little one will have? She will need extensive care for the rest of her life, I sincerely doubt she will ever be able to "sit in this chair and tell her story" like the mother wants, she probably won't ever be able to talk. I hope this mom has some help, she sure is in denial. Of course, those mean doctors and nurses that tried to tell her not to allow her baby to live were wrong about her living, so they are wrong about her being able to function one day. I hope I am, but I doubt it. Hopefully, we will continue to make strides in the care of micropremmies and one day be able to prevent this type of situation. And I hope the mother in me will never have to war with the nurse in me. I can't imagine what those of you that have had this situation have went through. So sad.

Where's the dad that's going to help take care of her?


Don't be so critical,who are we to stand in judgement of this situation.

Do we know anything about this mothers history.. NO. !!

Every child is a gift from God..

Every child deserves to live no matter what if the baby is not PERFECT or born with physical and or mental disabilities.

I admire this mother for the love she has for her child,this child will strive despite her limitations...


Don't be so critical,who are we to stand in judgement of this situation.

Do we know anything about this mothers history.. NO. !!

Every child is a gift from God..

Every child deserves to live no matter what if the baby is not PERFECT or born with physical and or mental disabilities.

I admire this mother for the love she has for her child,this child will strive despite her limitations...

I don't see how the mother's history plays in to the long term outcome of this child.She is entitled to care for this child for the rest of her life, no one is debating that. It is more a debate over the media portraying this as a "healthy miracle baby".

You are entitled to your opinion just as we are entitled to ours. And bottom line is that no one is the expert here, but we can come here and discuss it civilly.

I don't see how the mother's history plays in to the long term outcome of this child.She is entitled to care for this child for the rest of her life, no one is debating that. It is more a debate over the media portraying this as a "healthy miracle baby".

You are entitled to your opinion just as we are entitled to ours. And bottom line is that no one is the expert here, but we can come here and discuss it civilly.

As you just said I am entitled to express my opinion!

So what is the problem?


Don't be so critical,who are we to stand in judgement of this situation.

Do we know anything about this mothers history.. NO. !!

Every child is a gift from God..

Every child deserves to live no matter what if the baby is not PERFECT or born with physical and or mental disabilities.

I admire this mother for the love she has for her child,this child will strive despite her limitations...

I know this was brought up on another thread but try reading

"Baby at Risk: The Uncertain Legacies of Medical Miracles for Babies, Families, and Society" by Ruth Levy Guyer.

I know this was brought up on another thread but try reading

"Baby at Risk: The Uncertain Legacies of Medical Miracles for Babies, Families, and Society" by Ruth Levy Guyer.

I have not read this book yet... but yes this situation of course is not ideal and far from ideal and this is a hard cross for anyone to bear,but I still stand by what I have said.

PS Thanks for info on book!!

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