Is it true that you can check if your classmate passed or failed the NCLEX?

Nursing Students NCLEX


My auntie's classmate knew my auntie passed her RN Boards before she even saw her results. Apparently, her classmate searched her name somewhere. Does anyone know this? What's the website?

Isn't this a HIPAA violation?! lol

If it is true, that's not fair. I wouldn't want anyone else to know my results without my consent.

Yes dear just like everyone else already stated its public record. Here in Texas you can check your classmates license you just go to BON and do license verification, type in the first and last name and if they have a license it will show and also when it was granted but will not release the license number.

Yes dear just like everyone else already stated its public record. Here in Texas you can check your classmates license you just go to BON and do license verification type in the first and last name and if they have a license it will show and also when it was granted but will not release the license number.[/quote']

Really? Florida BON shows the license number on their website..

Really? Florida BON shows the license number on their website..

Utah does too.

Specializes in Trauma Surgical ICU.

South Carolina also

Wow. That is crazy. But i understand why this is true; assurance that who you hired or who cared for you is licensed.

What's crazy about it? That professional licensure shouldn't be a matter of public record? Or that you think that professional licensure is somehow related to HIPAA? or ?? Help me out here.

What's crazy about it? That professional licensure shouldn't be a matter of public record? Or that you think that professional licensure is somehow related to HIPAA? or ?? Help me out here.

whats crazy is the fact that classmates can be nosy and check if you took the test or not.. sorry for not being specific ):

and that hipaa thing I was jk. I know what hipaa is. otherwise I wouldn't have passed my boards.

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