Hi Everyone,
I really need some advice.
My supervisor has lately been ignoring my schedule requests and giving me strange schedules and I think she is trying to "weed me out." I don't know--maybe I'm just being overly-sensitive and paranoid.
Two weeks ago, I brought a "bullying" problem up to my supervisor. Another nurse, "AN," has been nasty to me for the last 8 months. When I came back to work after having had surgery in March, she was angry that I was working OB Triage "all the time" and loudly (before report, in front of other nurses) complained about that. I ended up working with HER in Triage that day. She was COLD AS ICE to me. Initially (becaue I didn't hear her complain that morning in the report room) I thought that maybe she was just having a bad day and didn't worry about it. Her complaint got back to me the next day.
I felt very hurt by her complaint because I thought we were friends, or were at least friendLY. I was able to talk to the nurse she complained to, who denied being the "one who was worried about it." I didn't get to talk to AN because she wasn't there that day. I was so stunned that she had complained that I...talked to a couple of other nurses about it. That was immature and wrong of me. At the time I didn't know what else to do to process me feelings.
I'm sure things got back to AN because her coldness towards me almost started a new Ice Age. I sent her an e-mail, apologizing for having talked to other nurses. She remained cold towards me and did not even address the fact that she received th e-mail for SEVEN WEEKS. When she finally did talk to me, she had her eyes half-closed and talked to me like I was an idiot and said that she "didn't have the time for all this high-school drama." She said she "had a job to do." I replied that "Neither do I, and so do I." I brought the situation to my supervisor's attention and simply requested that I not be assigned to work side-by-side with this nurse in the OR or Triage. She had no problem with that.
Throughout all of this, I contimued to do my job and take her of her patients PRN as well as mine and others'. ( I work L&D, so I just answer call lights no matter whose patient uses them). I acted professionally. Honestly, I did. Perhaps because of this, AN and I were able to find a happy medium and work together. I then checked back in with my supervisor and told her that things were resolved between AN and I and we were working together well.
About a month ago, AN started be cold and rude to me again. She was relief charge one day (a day that I was only there for 4 hours) and micro-managed me from the minute I got there until I left. Those 4 hours felt like a full 12.
At that point, I had it. I talked to my supervisor again and told her that AN was displaying bullying behavior toward me and I was not going to tolerate it. I was becoming stressed about going to work and being at work whenever she was there. At that time, my supervisor seemed understanding and concerned and wanted to solve the problem. I said that I did not want an intervention at the time but if another event occurred, I wanted something done.
The next thing I know, my schedule goes haywire. Suddenly I'm getting one-on, one-off, one-on, one-off work weeks, my requested days off are not being granted (which I need to take my special-needs daughter to appointments), and I am working a LOT more weekends when other people are working one or two weekend days in the monthlong schedule. I also happened to notice the rough draft of the schedule sitting out one day--almost everyone else's requests were filled in while mine line of the schedule was left blank, as if I was going to fill in all the empty spots. Additionally, I was scheduled to work the day before, of and after Thanksgiving when I worked Thanksgiving the year before. (On my unit, they say that if you worked a particular holiday the year before, you will get it off the subsequent year).
Additional information: I am the ONLY person AN doesn't like at work. Fact. Everyone else thinks she is HILARIOUS, even though she loudly and regularly swears at the front desk. (I have brought this up as well--it is BEYOND unprofessional). I mean, AN is funny, I'll give her that. She'd be a great stand-up comedian, but the bar language belongs in a bar, not in a hospital. AN also thinks quite a bit of her nursing skills. She carries on like she is about as smart as they get and I am not the only one who has noticed that. So, there a clique that I am not in and have no interest in.
I am going to confront my supervisor about all of this tomorrow but I need advice on what to say to her. I feel like she is bullying me as well with the schedule. Maybe she isn't. I don't know. I love my job with a passion, but I feel like I am being weeded out. Am I, or am I just paranoid? Thanks for your opinions.