Is it stupid for applying only one school in the nursing program?


So, I only apply to CSU East Bay in California. I've just met a counselor at my community college; his eyes were wide open and jaws almost hit the floor when I said I'm only applying to one school for my nursing program. He said other students apply to many schools at once. His reaction made me feel so nervous. Am I so stupid to apply to only one school?

My GPA is 4.0 and teas 84%. I'm proud of my GPA but Teas is just at the average. I speak two languages but I don't have health care experience. CSUEB runs the point system on nursing program. What is the percentage I will be accepted to the nursing program for this Fall 2017? It would be all-or-none. Any advices? Should I re-take the teas? Anyone just applies to one school? I hope it's not gonna be too bad :((

It is not stupid to apply to only one school. Yes, many apply to multiple schools to have better chance of getting accepted into a nursing program. However, if the school you applied to is the only school in a 100 mile radius, then you pretty much have no options. I will be applying to a couple of schools, but with this comes more time and money put into it: I have to take not one, but three entrance exams, and I have to take 4 more pre-reqs than I would had I planned to apply to only one program. So, no, applying to one school is not stupid.

Specializes in Emergency Room, CEN, TCRN.

you've got a bunch of programs near you being in the bay area... I'd apply to a bunch of them just to open your odds up if you've got that option. I live in an area where there's just two programs, one ADN and one BSN. I applied to only the BSN program and many people have told me how extremely lucky I am to have gotten in to the BSN program my first application cycle.

I'm only applying to one school because the other nursing programs in my area require a lot more prerequisites which will take me another semester to complete.

But I rather just take the major prerequisites and apply now then wait another year and take out more loans. If I don't get in this cycle then I will just do another semester of prerequisites and apply all around. But for now, all my eggs will be placed in one basket.

I think your chances are good. I applied to SFSU as a backup, but really only wanted CSUEB. I got in with similar GPA to yours, 92 on the TEAS, and no language or healthcare points.

I decided not to apply for more than one school this go around. I found that I was just stressing myself out instead of being confident in myself. I know confidence will not get me into whatever school I want but I have a 4.0 GPA and received a 93 on the Hesi A2 entrance exam. If I do not get in this time, however, I will try other schools. I hope that this is not a "stupid" decision on my part.

In my opinion, yes it is. Why would you risk doing that? I would apply to at LEAST 1 more school.

In my area there are two BSN programs, and one is incredibly expensive (and you have to take bible/religious classes). There are two ADN programs, but I'm not interested in getting my ADN. So I'm only applying to one school. If I don't get it, then I'll reevaluate.

That said, if I had more options, I'd be applying to more schools. It just makes sense to give myself as many options as I can.

I also applied to only one school and I got in!

I wasn't a pre-nursing student until the end of the fall semester of my senior year but my major happened to have many course requirements that overlap with nursing prereqs. But if I were to apply to multiple programs I would have had to take another whole year just to fulfill all the different prereq requirements so I decided to focus on just one nursing school, which was actually the only school that I wanted to get in, and ended up having to take only one more semester before I could apply.

My nursing advisor was not so concerned about it but when I had a career advisor run through my resume, she was surprised and gave me a weird look when I told her that I'm applying to only one school. But I didn't care because that school was the only place that I wanted to get in and I knew I was going to try my BEST to get in to this program. My GPA was 3.8 and I didn't have to take any entrance exam and no clinical experience was required to be considered (although I had my CNA certificate). I had diverse work and research experience and I put the most effort in to my personal statement. I think strong GPA and personal statement are what get you to the interview stage. I did great on my interview and tried to communicate as much as possible with the nursing admisson advisor at the school I was applying to (not to bribe her, but to make sure I have the right information and stay up-to-date). So I would say it's not stupid to apply to only one program. Understand your options, choose, and FOCUS. Give all your effort, your BEST effort.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.

I'm only applying to 1 bridge program. The reason why is the college is in my town & I don't have to retake my sciences. The other programs near me are over an hour away. Plus this saves me money since all my sciences are over 5 years old & I would have to spend the time & money to retake them all.

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