Published Feb 14, 2012
dudette10, MSN, RN
3,530 Posts
I've had my fill this week of rude and/or inappropriate patients, either to me or to the CNAs I'm working with in the room. I always limit set with them--as professionally as possible, of course--so, in the moment, they will back off. As soon as I have to go back into the room, it starts again.
What the hell? This is ridiculous. I have yet to figure out what makes them think they can talk like that to people who are doing their best to take care of them when they are sick.
Being sick is no excuse for ongoing rudeness. Maybe once, but after limit setting, STOP!
Rant over.
Lynx25, LPN
331 Posts
Who knows. I suppose a-holes have to get sick too.
I try to nip it in the butt as soon, and as hard as permitted, but sometimes nothing will work for these people.
652 Posts
That's very frustrating. As if you don't already have enough stressors at your job.
Lately I've had a run of patients who act out and it bothers me for a moment but when I return, they apologize. That apology melts my heart and I'm so happy to see that patient in a more sympathetic light. This used to not happen to me because I took everyone's crap and consequently patients walked all over me. Once I learned that I was allowed to be firm and set limits, it was a total game changer for me.
Let's hope it's just a rough patch! If it makes you feel any better, I've had a month-long pattern of AMAs! I'm afraid that management is going to start to point the finger at me.
That Guy, BSN, RN, EMT-B
3,421 Posts
We have a new standing order with one of our regulars who is a whiney a-hole/sexual creep. You have to walk in the room and kick him in the face. I think it helps knock some sense into him, IDK I am going with the doctors on this one though.
Hoozdo, ADN
1,555 Posts
Well, Dudette, there has been a full moon in the last week.
mmm333, LVN
298 Posts
Being a male has its disadvantages and its advantages, one of which is that I can usually burst into a room and say " what on earth is going on in here?" when I hear an NA or nurse being abused by a pt, and it usually stops right there. The abusive pt is usually blank faced or drops their jaw, and realizes that what they are doing. Is it RIGHT that some people respond to a male as an authority figure immediately? No. Is it USEFUL that they do? Heck yes, and my sisters in nursing often take full advantage of that.
Another issue is some patient's covert racism, of which they themselves are often not fully aware of. They may be treating our Filipina nurses terribly all day long, then suddenly I go in there and they gush about what a great nurse I am, even though I'm doing nothing differently than the other nurses- other than being white and chit-chatting with them. Many of these patients do not have a good ear for any accents , are not very tolerant of anything unfamiliar, and I hate to say it but they are more comfortable with someone more like them. Again, I sometimes come in to smooth things out when cultural differences are disrupting the harmony of our unit. I'm no better than anyone else, but I know how to take a situation like this and turn lemons into lemonade.
And then, of course, there are some people who are just going to be bitter, angry people long after they recover from illness. that's the path they are on in life. It doesn't have to be your path. Just stay objective and look for any opportunity to build rapport and hear what the patient is REALLY saying: "I'm miserable, I'm angry, I don't know how to cope". And remember, there are many medication s/e or interactions, and medical conditions, that can lead to "irritability" or akathesia, and maybe some of those are at work. And remember those DSM-IV personality disorders? They're out there... psych eval is something many people will not consent to or want, but you can offer it in a nice way.
CrunchRN, ADN, RN
4,549 Posts
Sickness is no excuse. Yuck.
43 Posts
Sickness is no excuse - but sometimes it's a reason. Just sayin'...
I had one patient tonight who "reminded" me that he was inappropriate the night before, and I had told him to knock it off (not in those words). He was trying to make a joke of it, calling ME inappropriate as I was changing his gown and sheets that he had urinated all over. I've never gotten that (internally) angry at a patient before. God, how I wish we could get away with saying, "You're an *******," to patients who deserve it.
Tell me, is there a reason for this? Neuro checks not new to this patient, so he knows what's going on. I stick out my fingers of both hands and say, "Squeeze them." He puts out his hands like he's going to grab my boobs, then laughs about it.
I really wanted to kick him in the balls, but he got my "inappropriate" lecture instead.
The other two patients weren't as sexually overt, but they were certainly rude.
Flare, ASN, BSN
4,431 Posts
I think it's important to vent a bit when some one is utterly rude to you for no good reason... and no, i don't think that being sick gives you a green light to be an a-hole to everyone. But i've also learned to not let negative people and the jerks of the world take up any residency in my mind. When i leave the room or end the interaction, it's already off my mind.
You're right, Flare. I know you're right, but this guy in particular was just beyond anything I have ever experienced in my career thus far. Just disgusting.
I can handle the patients that everyone complains about because they are demanding, even when they are somewhat rude. The combo of two rudes and this disgusting guy stretched me to the limit.
I had one patient during this time who was demanding, mainly because she was scared senseless of her own condition. She was also extremely grateful. Although the off-going/on-coming nurses complained a bit about her--she took up a LOT of time due to her condition and her anxiety--she was the only one that actually made me smiile in the past few days.