I'm starting an accelerated bsn program in the summer, and it seems like there is a consensus that "nursing school was the hardest thing that [people] have done in their lives" almost everywhere, whether it be, Youtube, or whatever.... And this isn't just said by some 20-year-olds who haven't jumped through hoops of life. I've heard it from people with biology degrees, MBA degrees, and even lawyers. I even read a comment by a lady who claimed that nursing school was the hardest thing she has done in 50 years of her life, including birthing her children! With that said, I know that it's certainly doable. But I haven't really seen people say this with law school, pharmacy school, or just any other professional school, (except maybe med school) so I'm curious. Is nursing school really that bad, or are we just a bunch of whiners? lol... Any input is appreciated!