Is there any hope in me becoming an RN?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I've completed 4 semesters at a community college and I currently have a 2.1 It's going to take almost 4 more semesters (taking 4 classes per semester) for me to even raise my GPA to a 3.0. That's like the minimum to even apply to a lot of nursing schools and I know they usually accept GPA's of 3.5+. Has anyone else on here been in a similar situation?

Specializes in CNA.
Wow! This post I wouldn't listen to at all, don't ever let anyone tell you you should give up on anything. No matter of how perfect of a gpa they may have. Best of luck to you.


Take a look at this thread.

Work hard to bring your GPA up. Yes, the odds would be better if you could get your GPA closer to the 4.0 end but all is not lost if you don't. Don't let anyone steal your dream. Be realistic of course. Weigh your options. A 3.0 would not get you into my program, because they solely look at GPA. Other programs may look at the total package, CNA/tech/Volunteer experience, letters of recommendations, interview process, personal statements, essays, entrance exam scores. Do some research and see what your options are. I had a great GPA but average TEAS V score but my program weighs GPA a lot more than the TEAS V so I was able to get in on my GPA. Another program in the area puts a lot more weight on the TEAS V so I would not have gotten in there with my average score. You just really have to do your research to see what the different schools put priority on. If you can't get into an RN program. Try going the LPN route or if you are willing to wait a few years, try a program that does a wait list. Just work as hard as you can to pull your GPA up. Good luck!

We all go through things at one point or another. I'm about to go into my 3rd semester of nursing school. Ya know what, my first time around in college pursuing another degree, I was dismissed after being put on academic probation. That was many years ago and I completed a degree at another school after that. My point is, sometimes life happens. However, what I learned post that is although life happens, not to let it get in the way of what you want to achieve. This time around, although I was faced with numerous obstacles and issues, I refuse to let life get in the way. I just keep plugging, one day at a time making nursing school my #1 priority.

Good luck!

I've never been in your situation because I constantly hit as close to a 4.0 as possible in every semester. So far my cum GPA is a 3.89

But uh..yeah if I were you I would just quit trying to be a nurse. Clearly, there is something about the courses you are taking or the way you are studying that is not compatible with the kind of work ethic and studying that a pre-nursing student requires to succeed. You have demonstrated through your 4 semesters of college that you are a C student and that is not enough to get you into a nursing program. I have not ever heard of a nursing program that had accepted a C student before because there is a lot of applications for spots and its competitive. Don't let anyone give you false hope saying "maybe you can do it if you go to another school or try to get all As and raise it to a 3.0". Even with a 3.0 your chances of landing a spot in a nursing program is slim! Its just not a competitive GPA, but it is a good one to employers on a resume- I think like its common sense to put your GPA on your resume if its atleast a 3.0 or something. But anyway, maybe you should study to be something else because clearly if you keep going down this path you are just going to waste your time taking pre-reqs over and over again.

Repeating courses? Sure, if you have the time and money.

:twocents:Don't listen to discouraging people! As I told you before I was in the same boat and pulled my GPA up(3.5) and am about to start NS. Like someone else said it is not all about GPA at most schools. Keep your chin up and don't listen to "Negative Nancy's"!

you will get there whether you have to retake classes or not include previous transcripts. who cares as long as you get to the final destination.

Sorry, but I MUST strongly disagree with this.

If the institution you are applying to requires you to send ALL Transcripts from ALL prior college work, then that is what you must do. While I agree that you should not let problems with prior coursework keep you from achieving your dream of being a nurse, it is morally and ethically wrong to omit information that is required. A lie of omission is still a lie.

Who cares? You should.

You people need to stop!! You dont know what this person went thru!!! If you need to redo some classes then redo them. Just dont mess around the second time because the third time will not be a charm. Dont listen to negativity cause it will screw with your head... YOU DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO TO SURVIVE..

Maybe you are taking to many classes at one time and not able to put as much into each class as you would like. Try fewer classes so you can study because just the pre-reqs for nursing will require studying. I am returning to school after being out for 7 years. I completed my undergrad with a 2.45 so keep trying and it is not a race.

Hello, Leah, I read your post and wanted to inquire if you've already taken some prereqs. If so, how many courses have you taken per semester and were you eligible for student loans?

I'll be returning to school this fall after almost a 5 year hiatus to take prerequs for a MSN program. I graduated with a 3.1 after my undergraduate. :uhoh3:

Sorry, but I MUST strongly disagree with this.

If the institution you are applying to requires you to send ALL Transcripts from ALL prior college work, then that is what you must do. While I agree that you should not let problems with prior coursework keep you from achieving your dream of being a nurse, it is morally and ethically wrong to omit information that is required. A lie of omission is still a lie.

Who cares? You should.

You dont have to do anything.

I'm in the same boat as OP, thinking of switching colleges and pretend I never attended the first one.

No one will find out.

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