Is there any hope in me becoming an RN?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I've completed 4 semesters at a community college and I currently have a 2.1 It's going to take almost 4 more semesters (taking 4 classes per semester) for me to even raise my GPA to a 3.0. That's like the minimum to even apply to a lot of nursing schools and I know they usually accept GPA's of 3.5+. Has anyone else on here been in a similar situation?

Whoever is telling you not to forward your transcripts is giving you terrible advice. It is REQUIRED to list all schools attended previously, and it is especially required when you apply to nursing school. I know of a girl being permanently suspended from Nursing school half way through for not being honest about her transcripts. Unfortunately, you don't get a fresh start just because it's a new school. And yes, they can track your schools through the state that has provided financial aid for you to a different school.

If my student loan company found out that I went back to school without me filling out a FAFSA or getting any financial help at all (I paid for it in full by cash..I didn't fill out anything at all). They suspended what I had to pay monthly due to being back at school :) nice surprise, then you can be pretty sure that they can track what schools you've attended before without you telling them.

Failure to disclose prior college courses can void your acceptance to a school. Would you want to be accepted into the program, get a good way through only to be thrown out due to not divulging required information on other schools?? The worst thing to do is lie and not tell them.

whomever is telling you to be honest is living in fantasy land where rainbows end with pots of gold. i would like to know if they have been completely honest on all charting they have ever done on a patient. i highly doubt it. Some need to get off their high horse. the means justify the ends of providing a life for yourself.

i don't mean to sound doom and gloom, but you will not get accepted to any nursing program if you have a 2.1 GPA. i went to college in florida and had to come home for a semester. i took a semester of classes in my hometown and had to stop halfway through the semester. i received all F's because it was past the withdrawal date. i never transferred those credits over and it was never exposed. i received financial aid at both universities.

Also, have you already taken the pre-reqs required for admission to nursing school? Most community colleges ONLY look at your cumulative GPA for those classes only and don't even look at previous courses. You only have one chance to take the science courses (except for one repeat of ONE course depending on the school) and then can generally retake all the other classes for a better grade (english, psych, nutrition, etc). I would look into that if you still have those courses available to take.

I was in a similar situation(2.3 gpa after failing a semester because of family probs) and retook the classes that I failed. My college replaced the new grades for the old ones. It took me longer to get into a nursing school but I feel better about myself knowing that I did things the right way. I finally applied and was accepted for this fall! I am so excited and cant wait! I could have done what roscopeeco has suggested but I would hate looking over my shoulder and praying that the school or nursing program didnt find out about not including old transcripts. Most nursing programs do ask for transcripts from all schools attended and they will also kick you out of a program for providing false information. Sorry if it sounds like I am on a "high horse", but I think you will be happier if you work hard and bring your grades up, you can do it, it may just take a little longer!:rolleyes:

no doubt she would be happier doing what you did. i was only saying if she had no other option. if your school will replace the old grades with the new grades, that would be the perfect scenario. nursing school is getting extremely competitive because of the current job market. older nurses are hanging around because they can't retire and people who would have never thought about nursing school are suddenly interested because of great pay, upward mobility (CRNA, NP, DNP), stable job, and freedom to relocate anywhere.

i wouldn't let your current GPA extinguish your dreams. you will get there whether you have to retake classes or not include previous transcripts. who cares as long as you get to the final destination. whatever you do, put in the time it takes to make good grades the second time around.

Don't lie...Own up to your past and you'll be a better person for it...I hate the thought of someone lying and taking the place of a person who actually got good grades and deserves a spot in the program.

We all wish we could go back and make better decisions but the best thing to do is always just deal with the consequences and move on.

If you raise your GPA up to a 3.0 and can't get into an RN program. Try going the LPN route. It may not be what you want, but you can bridge to RN after becoming an LPN.

If you raise your GPA up to a 3.0 and can't get into an RN program. Try going the LPN route. It may not be what you want, but you can bridge to RN after becoming an LPN.

Even the LPN to RN bridge programs follow the admission policy for the nursing program. Just because you are an LPN doesn't exclude you from GPA that the nursing program wants. I'm an LPN doing the RN bridge program and I had to have at least their minimum GPA for any previous college classes to be considered into the program.

Even the LPN to RN bridge programs follow the admission policy for the nursing program. Just because you are an LPN doesn't exclude you from GPA that the nursing program wants. I'm an LPN doing the RN bridge program and I had to have at least their minimum GPA for any previous college classes to be considered into the program.

Of course the OP has to meet the minimum GPA. I am suggesting that if the OP manages to raise their GPA to a 3.0 and still cannot get into an RN program, then try the LPN route instead of giving up. And yes I understand that LPN programs are also competitive, but many people go this route when they cannot get into an RN program. Its an option he/she should try instead of throwing in the towel. Of course there are no guarantees, but its an option to try.

Specializes in LTC, Med-surg.

I've never been in your situation because I constantly hit as close to a 4.0 as possible in every semester. So far my cum GPA is a 3.89

But uh..yeah if I were you I would just quit trying to be a nurse. Clearly, there is something about the courses you are taking or the way you are studying that is not compatible with the kind of work ethic and studying that a pre-nursing student requires to succeed. You have demonstrated through your 4 semesters of college that you are a C student and that is not enough to get you into a nursing program. I have not ever heard of a nursing program that had accepted a C student before because there is a lot of applications for spots and its competitive. Don't let anyone give you false hope saying "maybe you can do it if you go to another school or try to get all As and raise it to a 3.0". Even with a 3.0 your chances of landing a spot in a nursing program is slim! Its just not a competitive GPA, but it is a good one to employers on a resume- I think like its common sense to put your GPA on your resume if its atleast a 3.0 or something. But anyway, maybe you should study to be something else because clearly if you keep going down this path you are just going to waste your time taking pre-reqs over and over again.

Repeating courses? Sure, if you have the time and money.

I've never been in your situation because I constantly hit as close to a 4.0 as possible in every semester. So far my cum GPA is a 3.89

But uh..yeah if I were you I would just quit trying to be a nurse. Clearly, there is something about the courses you are taking or the way you are studying that is not compatible with the kind of work ethic and studying that a pre-nursing student requires to succeed. You have demonstrated through your 4 semesters of college that you are a C student and that is not enough to get you into a nursing program. I have not ever heard of a nursing program that had accepted a C student before because there is a lot of applications for spots and its competitive. Don't let anyone give you false hope saying "maybe you can do it if you go to another school or try to get all As and raise it to a 3.0". Even with a 3.0 your chances of landing a spot in a nursing program is slim! Its just not a competitive GPA, but it is a good one to employers on a resume- I think like its common sense to put your GPA on your resume if its atleast a 3.0 or something. But anyway, maybe you should study to be something else because clearly if you keep going down this path you are just going to waste your time taking pre-reqs over and over again.

Repeating courses? Sure, if you have the time and money.

Wow! This post I wouldn't listen to at all, don't ever let anyone tell you you should give up on anything. No matter of how perfect of a gpa they may have. Best of luck to you.

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