Published Nov 30, 2016
3 Posts
I have a b.s. in business management and I'm interested in the accelerated bsn. I'm curious to know long the prereqs would take me. Does it take 2 years or less?
verene, MSN
1,790 Posts
Depends on the specific pre-reqs the program requires, how many of those courses transfer from your previous degree or other college-level course work, and how many classes you are able/willing to take a time, and how those courses are stacked (i.e pre-reqs to pre-reqs, or courses only offered in specific terms).
It took me 2 years to get through my pre-reqs for my ABSN program, but I also had neither the time nor money to take more than 1 or 2 courses at a time. I think I could have managed in a year or slightly less if I had been able to be a full-time student.
1,093 Posts
I do agree with the PP. It will take me 2 years to take all of my pre-reqs. I also have a BA and an MS. The only course that was applied towards my pre-reqs was English comp. Everything else I have to do: stats, chem, organic chem, A&P 1 and 2, intro to psych, human development, nutrition and micro. A&P requires chem as a pre-req at my school so I am not able to take it unless I have completed both chem and organic chem. Then I can take both A&Ps and finally, the micro. So, like I said, it will take me two years. Also, both chems, A&Ps and micro have labs, so it is a lot. Speak to an advisor to be sure.
Quota, BSN, RN
329 Posts
As has already mentioned it depends on what classes you need, how many you can/will take at a time, any pre-reqs for the pre-reqs you need, etc. I'm just finishing my last pre-req this week so I finished my five needed pre-reqs (Bio Ethics, Nutrition, A&P I, A&P II, and Micro) in 10 months. I took all these online at my local CC mostly one class at a time, occasionally a few weeks of overlap between one class ending and another beginning. My BioStats and Developmental Psych classes from my previous degree (Biology major, Psych minor) still counted and the CC waived the pre-reqs for the pre-reqs after I provided my past transcripts. So pretty quick and easy for me. Your situation could be drastically different and take you 2 years or simple and about a year.
thecareerchanger, BSN
205 Posts
What everyone else said. I took 3 years but I only took 1 class at a time and no class in the summer. I work and have family obligations so that is all I could manage but maybe your situation is different
FolksBtrippin, BSN, RN
2,262 Posts
It took me 3 semesters.
Buyer beware, BSN
1,139 Posts
Take them at a community college.
OliveOyl91, BSN, RN
293 Posts
Going part-time, is has taken me between two and three years to finish my prerequisites. I just have Winter 2017 left and I began in Fall 2014.
106 Posts
My ABSN required 68 hours of prereqs. How fast you finish them depends on if you already have a degree with some of the classes completed, how many hours you take a semester, etc.
JCD2712, BSN, RN
30 Posts
I started working on my prereqs in Fall of 2015, and I'll be finishing them and starting an accelerated nursing program in May 2017, so 4 semesters. I took two classes at a time until I quit my job to speed things along, and then I took four. However, my school requires two prereqs that not every school requires, so I guess it could have been three semesters.