instructor may be racist?

Nursing Students General Students


I really think my professor is racist or has some type of bias towards me. She doesn't seem to have much patience for me during the 1st or 2nd day of class. I'm somewhat of a spastic goofball, but hey at least I was making the class laugh. Should I apply to a nursing school that has more diversity in the faculty such as Hawaii or Puerto Rico?

What has she said or done that would make you believe she is a racist?

Lack of patience with a self-proclaimed "spastic goofball" who tries to make the class laugh doesn't sound racist to me. If you are making the class laugh and wasting valuable class time, then I can understand an instructor turning impatient.

She's racist because she doesn't like you? That's kind of insulting don't you think? Maybe she wouldn't like you in any color/nationality. Personalities do clash sometimes for no obvious reason. But to be honest it sounds like you have the racism problem.

Specializes in Med Surg/MICU/Pediatrics/PCICU.

Wait hold on I seem to be a little confused. Is your instructor racist? Or does she pick on you because she thinks you are the weakest in the class? Or is she judging you because you told her you took adderral? Or is it because she thinks you are an "at risk student"?

You keep making multiple posts about your instructor not liking you and each time you blame it on a different reason? What is the real issue going on at your school? Is your instructor really being mean to you because of all those reasons just because or are you giving her reasons to? You say you are a goofball and act out in class so it seems as if she is just irritated because you are taking away valuable class time and it trying to see if you are grasping the material or not.

And you just posted that you were leaving nursing. Why would you apply to a different nursing program?

And you just posted that you were leaving nursing. Why would you apply to a different nursing program?

I might apply to another nursing program, it's not uncommon for students to do that.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

You have a million reasons why the things going wrong with your schooling is the fault of the instructors and never seem to get around to the one person whose actions you can change - yourself - even though your posts make it obvious you are not focused, you are not learning the material and you are taking away from the learning of others.

You aren't going to have any better results at another school. The main common denominator will still be there (you), without anything about that common denominator having owned up to the reasons things aren't going well. Before you waste any more time or money, figure out why you aren't succeeding and whether you honestly want this and whether you honestly are willing to work hard to get it. I know you think you already are, but your posts prove it isn't enough. Whether you can't or just won't, its time to be truthful with yourself.

No, I don't think your instructor is racist. No, I don't think you should switch schools. I don't think you will have different results at a different school.

I really think the majority of nurses on this forum are trying to blow steam out of your pathetic lives, and trying to use me as your scapegoat. I can't blame you all for being upset, who would want to deal with whiny patients, cleaning butts, and rude doctors all day long. I can imagine what it's like to be a nurse already. At least your making 60-90k out of it, you should be grateful enough to flash those pearly white teeth of yours when you arrive at work! Cheers, you grumpy nurses!!!

As for me not being focused.... some students in my class were paying me money to give them copies of my study outlines, which I typed myself after reading each chapter in the book!

Specializes in Home Care.

I smell something :bugeyes:

I really think the majority of nurses on this forum are trying to blow steam out of your pathetic lives, and trying to use me as your scapegoat. I can't blame you all for being upset, who would want to deal with whiny patients, cleaning butts, and rude doctors all day long. I can imagine what it's like to be a nurse already. At least your making 60-90k out of it, you should be grateful enough to flash those pearly white teeth of yours when you arrive at work! Cheers, you grumpy nurses!!!

As for me not being focused.... some students in my class were paying me money to give them copies of my study outlines, which I typed myself after reading each chapter in the book!

First, it's the nursing instructors who are out to get you, and now it's the posters on the forum? Perhaps you should look at what you can change about your performance and actions before you start attributing the cause of the problem to racism or people having "pathetic lives." Also, telling people they have pathetic lives is rude, as is telling someone what they should be grateful for. And for the record, I agree with the above posters, and I am only a nursing student.

Congratulations on your ability to focus and make study guides; it is a great skill to master. However, and I mean this in the nicest way, if you do continue on the path to become a nurse, please attempt to develop some professionalism and class. Your posts on this board show a lack of both.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

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