Published Oct 15, 2005
MrsWampthang, BSN, RN
511 Posts
I just got back from the memorial service of Clif Blake who was an RN and dayshift PCC in our ER. He was on a medical mission to Haiti and passed away on October 5th, the day the team was leaving Haiti after giving medical care to approximately 400 Haitians, the day before. Though Clif was only 27 years old, he left behind a marvelous testament to his life and to his work. The members of his team recounted how Clif prayed with each patient that he took care of, and how he told them as they sat on the mountain top his last night on earth, that "this must be what Heaven will be like" as he worshiped and praised God with people of another country. He passed away doing what he had been called to do, serving the Lord, and bringing medical help to the people of Haiti. Because Clif was an avid Christian, I cannot mourn his loss, but celebrate that Clif was such a special person, God called Clif home. He will be remembered fondly by his family, his friends, and all of his coworkers. The verse in the Bible that epitamized Clif can be found in Philippians 1:21 "For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." How blessed to close your eyes in death, and open them in Heaven.
Jolie, BSN
6,375 Posts
May he rest in peace, and may all those who loved him be comforted. We are poor for his loss, and Heaven is rejoicing.
3,322 Posts
I have a Dr. friend that works w/ an orphanage in Haiti. It's God's work to help the needy.
James 1: 27 (NIV) "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." OR in the old KJV - pure religion, undefiled before God. . .
Can I ask what happened to him? It sounds like he was healthy the day before?
1,987 Posts
You all are truly fortunate to have worked with this man. Absent from the body, present with the Lord. I will have his family, friends, friends/coworkers in my thoughts and prayers.
Clif collapsed on the hike back down the mountain. The hike evidently was long and strenuous as well as extremely hot. The doc that was on the trip said that it was a lot harder on them than they thought it would be, and Clif probably passed away from the extreme heat, and the strain of the hike. I understand that when he collapsed they tried without success to revive him and it took the team nine hours to get his body down the mountain. Unfortunately due to that, he had to be cremated, which was actually what he wanted anyway. He would have been so blown away at the services that were held in his memory, he would have said "all this for me? Cool!!" He was the kind of PCC that you knew would back you up if you needed him too, and the kind of coworker that made work fun. He would have made a great department manager, even as young as he was. He will be sadly missed and fondly remembered always and he left the door to eternity open behind him.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
May his soul rest in peace.
2,016 Posts
He sounds like a wonderful were indeed blessed to have known him.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
What a great testament.
278 Posts
Wow, what an unsung hero. May GOD keep him. Amen.
LeahJet, ASN, RN
486 Posts
I still can't believe that Clif is gone.
He was the type of person that when I saw him on the schedule with me, I thought..."yesss". We had so much fun at work. We would always quote Office Space. He would say..."ummm, yeahhh, I'm gonna need you to go ahead and sign this chart, mm..k?...greeaat" In fact, I gave him the dvd for Christmas. I know that sounds like a silly thing to remember and to post.
We were so much on the same page that we could shoot each other a look that said everything. We even had little spats on occasion like a brother and sister would.... but we would always be buds again by shift change.
I'll miss you, Clif...... but I know that you are in Heaven.... looking down on me and reminding me to sign charts and waste meds.:)