Published Oct 4, 2005
Calzonan RN
515 Posts
I live in AZ and the wait for NS is usually about one semester, some people don't even wait that. I applied this summer for Fall, and of course, didn't get in, but I didn't expect to because of the one semester wait most people go through. Well, ever since June when I applied I've been waiting for October 4th, when they do the run for Spring. They go by lottery numbers here, these are automatically generated by a computer, and even though I've worked really hard to keep my GPA up, it makes no difference, it's all in the number the computer gives you. Well I didn't get placed for spring. I"m so disappointed, I've made some plans all based on me starting NS in the spring. My dh has been working 70-80 hours a week so that I can go to school and not have to work, he can't possibly do that for another three years!!! I'm so depressed I feel like just giving up now, it's just not fair.
I have two daughters who are starting school in the fall, this means we'll be paying for three college tuitions for an extra eight months!!
1,275 Posts
I would be angry if my school used the lottery system.
Are there any nursing school there that goes with GPA or NET exam?
I did take the NET, nothing helps, just doing the pre-req's and getting your CNA and you can apply and be put in the lottery. Out of 186 people who applied this summer, I was number 141, thanks to the lottery. That and we still had most of the applicants from spring to place. What makes me really mad is that most of the advisors have been saying that since the CNA pre-req is being deleted for the Fall '06 classes, that there are a lot of people waiting to apply until this March. They've all told me that there have been less applicants than usual because of this, so I was pretty sure I'd get in. I can't really apply anywhere else b/c all of the other schools are private schools and the tuition is about $30,000 compared to $4,000 for the CC's. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, I"ve already got my BS degree, so maybe I'll just forget about all of this and go out and get a job. Right now I"m so angry and disappointed, I'm not sure what I'm going to do.
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
I'm so sorry!
Are there any more classes you could take? Any more to help your chances? Did you find out your number? Is there a chance you may be called in at the last minute?
Maybe you could get a part-time job to help with the finances. I know it's stressful.
If this is really what you want, please do not give up. It's just a detour, not a dead end. :icon_hug:
There's nothing I can do to help my chances, that's what is so frustrating, you give them your application and it's all up to a computer!! The only way I may get placed is if someone defers or does not respond accepting their position. It seems hard to believe anyone would do that after spending so much time with pre-req's.
I would get a part time job, but I have 5 kids still at home, three of which I have to drive to three different schools, which makes it near impossible for me to work. I could work nights but my dh works 24-7 pretty much, so I can not even rely on him. The money I'd make working would go out to daycare anyway, it either has to be full-time or nothing at all. I feel so trapped now. I had it all planned out, my dh even got approval from his supervisor to switch his schedule to make sure he was off on the two days a week I'd have NS, now I have to wait or find something else.
Achoo!, LPN
1,749 Posts
I'm so sorry. I have been on a waiting list for 3 years, I feel your pain
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Calzonan, I am so sorry to read your post. I too am awaiting to see if I got in or not. Thankfully my school does NOT use a lottery system.
I chose the private school because I could not stay on a waiting list for years just to save money going to the community college.
I am so poor myself but I am going to school on student loans. I too cannot afford school but my motto is borrow today and pay tomorrow.
I want this SO BAD that I am not letting tuition get in my way. Don't dispair. Look at ALL your options. Consider applying to other schools, including private, take out stafforn loans if you can, and stay positive.
Best wishes to you,
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,709 Posts
I'm sorry to hear that. The lottery systems doesn't seem quite fair. I went to a school that went on a first-come first in system. Kind of like a que, you just went to the end of the line and waited your turn.
240 Posts
I really do not understand why some schools use the lottery system. It makes no sense to me. Why not take only the MOST QUALIFIED students?!
I'm very sorry you didn't get in. Good luck to you, and don't give up.
I really do not understand why some schools use the lottery system. It makes no sense to me. Why not take only the MOST QUALIFIED students?!I'm very sorry you didn't get in. Good luck to you, and don't give up.
I cannot get passed this either. But some would argue that being book smart and hands-on are 2 different things.
I cannot imagine working my tail off to end up with a ticket and pray my name gets called.
2,450 Posts
This "lottery" system for nursing admission just chaps my behind. Why don't they just use pre-req and co-req GPA along with NET results.
Or the school can do interviews... Or make up their own test. Best score gets a spot.
Instead you're playing MEGA- MILLIONS or POWERBALL numbers to get in !!!! Sheesh
This "lottery" system for nursing admission just chaps my behind. Why don't they just use pre-req and co-req GPA along with NET results.Or the school can do interviews... Or make up their own test. Best score gets a spot.Instead you're playing MEGA- MILLIONS or POWERBALL numbers to get in !!!! Sheesh
That's exactly it!! What really makes me mad is I've worked really hard to maintain a high GPA, and it makes no difference. That and the schools have a really high drop-out/flunk-out rate so obviously they're not admitting students who are going to be successful. Also, a lot of students accept the spot and then don't attend, so that's spots that go to waste as well. Instead of filling them all through the first week of school they just cut off all those on the waiting list.
Another thing, I was doing the math, and say 500 people apply this semester and there's only 300 slots, well next semester there's 200 people left over, PLUS another 500 applicants for 300 slots, so then there's 400 people on the waiting list, get the picture??? How are you ever going to get into NS if it keeps up this way??? They even had some new programs open up, but there's just more and more people applying, so it's like one step forward two back!!