I'm so mad!

Nurses Job Hunt


Specializes in L&D.

I interviewed in the ED at a small community hospital, a short drive from my house. I was so excited to have an interview with them! It seemed to go well, but it was short. Just 20 minutes long without any real difficult questions. Earlier today, I noticed my status on the job website was "Being Reviewed". The manager said I would hear back from HR later this week or early next week. I checked the status on the website this evening and it said "Filled". I thought I would hear from HR that I got rejected by now, not finding out on my own! That seems rude. But I can't expect too much from hospitals, huh?

Has anyone else gone through this?

I haven't been through this exactly so I can't imagine how ya feel. But this is my experience vs a friend. When I applied to current job it went like this. Application then interview. I routinely checked job site and the position was still open and posted, I also checked in with HR and was told they were still interviewing and would call. I was called after a few weeks and notified I had been offered position. I had also been perusing the site in the meantime and job was still listed. It was taken down within a few hours of the offer. My friend on the other hand did about the same process but ended up seeing the job had been taken down. She wasn't called for about three weeks before she got an offer. I don't really know if this helps but it's may just depend on HR, the hiring process, etc.

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

I know it's hard not to take everything personally when you're searching for a job, but it will be much less stressful if you can. Try to reframe in a way that is actually more aligned with reality . . . rather than "I was rejected. They hate me" it's much more likely to be "Someone else was a better fit for that job" . After all, they don't even know you - all they're doing is matching applicant characteristics with the job to see who is the best fit.

Another important point. Online employment systems have a limited number of settings from which to choose - HR systems are not very sophisticated. In some systems, the only way that HR can stop the flow of applicants for a particular job is to change the setting to "filled" because there isn't a "not accepting any more applications for this job" setting. The employment process has a lot of steps in it - and involves a lot of different HR departments & people. It's not unusual for disconnects to happen. Don't hesitate to call and talk to an actual person if you want an update.

Wishing you the best of luck on your Job Search.

I understand your frustrations. Once I applied to a job, interview and a shadow, etc. Never heard ANYTHING back, not even a rejection. I took that as a rejection but I had to hound them to get an answer. I at least anticipated an email or something. Another time I scored a great interview only to be called a few days before and told they had already filled the position. So I didn't even get to interview. Try not to get discouraged. Sometimes in the big organizations you have to keep after them to find out how it went. Even a "No" is helpful because then you can move on.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

I have had maybe one employer contact me back to personally let me know I didn't get a job. That is in 30 years of being in the work force. Shake it off. It is common, not personal, probably not ideal but also not something you can really change nor a good hill to die on. Best of luck with your Job Search.

Specializes in PACU.

I recently had an application status go to "Candidate not under further consideration for position" and then was offered the position 3 hours later... I wouldn't pay too much attention to the application statuses until you hear something from HR directly

Also, it is not common for HR to contact every applicant they interview if they didn't get the job.

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