I'm feeling weird about toileting, etc....

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I'm in my second year of nursing school, my first semester of nursing "core" classes. I love learning about pharm, pathology, etc... But I'm having a hard time with the toileting aspect of things. YES, I totally expected that to be a part of patient care, but it's so odd to be in that kind of situation with a stranger, you know? Everyone in my class seems to feel that chatting it up with a patient while doing peri care is totally normal. I guess it IS totally normal in a healthcare setting - but I just haven't seen that many naked people, not to mention touching them all over. It's going to take some getting used to I think. Anyone have any tips? Am I the only one who feels this way? Will I get over it? Is nursing all about toileting?

I guess I should've been more wild in my single years, and perhaps I'd have more experience with other naked people. :rotfl: (I'm totally kidding by the way...)

I'm in my second year of nursing school, my first semester of nursing "core" classes. I love learning about pharm, pathology, etc... But I'm having a hard time with the toileting aspect of things. YES, I totally expected that to be a part of patient care, but it's so odd to be in that kind of situation with a stranger, you know? Everyone in my class seems to feel that chatting it up with a patient while doing peri care is totally normal. I guess it IS totally normal in a healthcare setting - but I just haven't seen that many naked people, not to mention touching them all over. It's going to take some getting used to I think. Anyone have any tips? Am I the only one who feels this way? Will I get over it? Is nursing all about toileting?

I guess I should've been more wild in my single years, and perhaps I'd have more experience with other naked people. :rotfl: (I'm totally kidding by the way...)

It takes time to get used to any new situation in nursing (or in any aspect of life :) ). Toileting is an important aspect of patient care. At first, I felt like you did. But, I worked as a CNA for a year before I became an RN.

Imagine how embarrassed, uncomfortable, etc. the patient feels by having someone clean their private areas. That thought always made me feel a little less bothered by the whole thing. I just put myself into their shoes and that discomfort I experienced eventually went away.

My very first clinical day, I had a little old lady with C-diff. Needless to say, she was up and down to the bedside commode all day. I was a nervous wreck all through the skills labs we had to take, and was, needless to say, mortified at the prospect of having to wipe and cleanse this lady all day. After the first coupla times, I got over it. Nerves are normal. I had never even changed a baby's diaper at this point. I am now a senior and work as a student nurse extern at a hospital. I can clean the gunk that forms around a man's foley and not think twice about it. Trust me, if I overcame this fear, anyone can. Best of luck to you in school!!

Specializes in Utilization Management.
It's going to take some getting used to I think. Anyone have any tips? Am I the only one who feels this way? Will I get over it? Is nursing all about toileting?

What helped me was thinking about what happened if the patient was NOT properly toileted or given the best peri-care.

If you think it's embarrassing to be washed up by a stranger, what if the patient had no one to help?

The patient would then be faced with a loss of personal dignity, physical and emotional discomfort, increased amounts of harmful bacteria, skin breakdown, and infection, to name a few things.

I worked as a nurse's aide at a nursing home before I got into my "clinical" core classes. It helped a lot. The first week or two at my nursing home job as an aide were surreal to me; I just kept thinking "I can't believe I'm doing this". But I soon got over that aspect and just tried to do it well and with respect and dignity, but not with embarrassment, so as not to make the patient uncomfortable.

I have to agree. No matter how bad it is for us, it's far worse for the patient.

No nursing isn't ALL about toileting, but it is often a part of the job. Cleaning the peri area isn't the most difficult thing you'll be called on to do. But I promise, you'll get over it quickly enough. :)

Specializes in Cardiovascular Recovery.

I hope this doesn't sound mean because that's not my intention, but get used to it. It is strange in the beginning so don't think your feelings are not valid. It's not a task that I necessarily enjoy but my turning point was having a patient tell me I was the first person to really get her clean in days. How sad. I can't imagine having to have someone else take care of me and then still be dirty. Yuk!

Anyway, for me personally I learned the conversation is a nice distraction from the awkwardness. However, if you don't feel comfortable having a conversation with your patient while doing it then don't force one.

Nursing isn't all about toileting. There's fecal impaction, stat hemoccults :uhoh21: ...just kidding.

Honestly, with me I just don't even think about it. I used to worry about how I would do when having to deal with that sort of tasks, but once I got into what I call my "clinical zone/mindset"...it was like I was on automatic pilot. Didn't think of it, just did it. It was what I was trained to do & I did it. Just like practically everything else. Didn't think twice.

On a lighter note...sometimes I step back & think about things while I'm doing them. The other day I was assessing a pt before initiating their dialysis tx & thought how wild it is that in a clinical setting, you can talk to a complete stranger about their bowels and no one thinks it strange. Now try walking up to someone at a grocery store...LOL!!! :chuckle

Specializes in Cardiac.

Yes, put yourself in the Pts place.

I look at it this way, it's embarrassing for you and them. So I just do what I gotta do. I don't think too much about it and try to make them as clean and comfortable as I would like to be in their position....don't worry it gets easier....

Specializes in OBGYN, Neonatal.

I haven't gotten to the toileting per se yet. But, we are in OB area so we are "looking" at peri's. Yes, and helpign if needed but so far my clients have not needed assistance, but yes I thought OH MY GOSH I'm gonna be looking at peoples butts and coochies and boobies. And not only that but I'm gonna TOUCH THEM OH MY GOODNESS!

Well I did 2 breast exams at my last clinical and I didn't freak out. I just kept talking to them the whole time. I did the whole, turn over and let me look at your bottom thing and didn't freak out. OH MY GOSH!!!!

I still am nervous before every clnical but I'm sure I will make it. I think I get into what another poster called, a "zone".

Next semester is med surg...ZOIKES!!!!

Specializes in OBGYN, Neonatal.

PS - I forgot to say you are totally normal, I feel odd about toileting too but I have to figure it is a part of care and these people really need our care and to preserve their dignity. :):)

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