I'm in Excelsiors RN-MSN Informatics Program!


Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

That's wonderful, Sue. Much good luck. I'm sure you'll burn up that program.

Specializes in Informatics, Education, and Oncology.

Good Luck Sue,

An excellent program ...........that I enjoyed before dropping out to travel Europe.

Wish me luck.


Specializes in Cardiac Care.

Awesome, Sue! I'm very happy you're doing this, and I wish you all the luck in the world.


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

You'll do fine Sue, good luck

Thanks, all. I am really excited. I have been in college since 1971 and have literally hundreds of credits, but finally am putting them towards something measurable, at least, to employers.

Angela, had I not a husband, 6 cats, and two dogs I would think seriously about doing Europe, too. Heck, sometimes I still do. ;)

Sounds like an excellent program - can you tell me how the program works? Is it internet based?

OH! I never told you congratulations. So...



Sounds like an excellent program - can you tell me how the program works? Is it internet based?

Yes. Here's the main page:


Click on "schools" and then follow that to the nursing PDF. (Lousy website. Not intuitive at all.)

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