If I see one more tooth...


Specializes in med-surg, IMC, school nursing, NICU.

...that is half rotted away from an untreated cavity, I might start crying. It makes me so sad and frustrated that there is nothing I can do. I call, plead with parents to take the child to the dentist, refer them to the health department's dental clinic if they are uninsured. I see the same kids over and over, c/o toothaches because their teeth are almost completely destroyed by decay. One little girl was rinsing her mouth and half of a tooth came out in the sink when she spit. It really breaks my heart.

Specializes in CVICU, SchoolRN, MICU, PCU/IMU, ED.

I hear you and I have the same issues. I have kids constantly asking me to pull their teeth out and I almost dread looking in their mouths because I know what I'll see. We can only strongly recommend and give them all the referrals but it's the parents responsibility. Makes me sad that I can't do more some days.

Breaks my heart, if need be call CPS, medical neglect.

Specializes in med-surg, IMC, school nursing, NICU.
Breaks my heart, if need be call CPS, medical neglect.

This might be my next step. I have seen the same little girl several times in the past year for various dental issues.

Specializes in School nursing.

Have you ever tried getting a dental group to come to the school? I have a group I work with for basic dental screenings by a hygienist, basic screening and dental cleaning. Includes referral paperwork if needed, and students don't need to have insurance to be seen.

Of course, my contact is in MA, but does your local health department know of anyone is your state? Can't help already badly decayed teeth, but may be nice to help prevent further decay, use as further nudge for these parents.

This is not an issue for me. Very sad.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Community Health, School Health.

What state are you in?

Specializes in Healthcare risk management and liability.

I make the occasional call to Child Protective Services for untreated dental disease, which my state considers as evidence of neglect.

Specializes in med-surg, IMC, school nursing, NICU.
Have you ever tried getting a dental group to come to the school? I have a group I work with for basic dental screenings by a hygienist, basic screening and dental cleaning. Includes referral paperwork if needed, and students don't need to have insurance to be seen.

A dental group comes and does a hygiene lesson with my kindergartners. The Health Dept. comes and does screenings and sealants on the PK kids. I am so glad for these services.

Specializes in med-surg, IMC, school nursing, NICU.
What state are you in?


Specializes in School nursing.
A dental group comes and does a hygiene lesson with my kindergartners. The Health Dept. comes and does screenings and sealants on the PK kids. I am so glad for these services.

Awesome! But no in-school cleanings after PK?

Here's an interesting group similar to what I use - They cover a lot of states and may cover Maryland: Mobile Dentists | offering in-school dental care

They come to school to perform dental treatment with parent sign-off.

Specializes in Healthcare risk management and liability.

If the OP's area is served by a Community Health Clinic, Migrant Health Clinic or other Federally Qualified Health Clinic, many of these clinics offer dental outreach services to local schools. This can range from dental education, oral hygiene instruction, sealant application or dental treatment. https://findahealthcenter.hrsa.gov/ is an easy way to find a FQHC in a given area.

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