I have to write an essay!!!


I have to write an essay 400-500 words and I am drawing a blank:imbar I dont want it to be like every other! It has to be about "what experience I have had that will impact" and "Why/what will make me a good nurse"

Did anyone else have probs writing an essay

Hey. Do you mean impact your career as a nurse? If so, have you had any like eye opening experiences that made you decide why you should be a nurse? Do you like to care for people? Make people smile? Go out of your way to help others? Those, I believe, are qualities that make a good nurse. A good nurse is someone who lends an ear to listen all the time no matter what, and a shouler to cry on. Nurses spend much more time with patients than doctors do so that is why it is so important that you are able to form special bonds with people. Im just rambling..I could go on forever haha. Well good luck with the essay, and hope everything works out! Keep us posted!

Specializes in Utilization Management.

Sure! Even experienced writers have problems with getting started. Here's a link to help.


Well I have a couple of really good ideas in my head but I am trying to use the one that I think will really be the most stick out.

~I had a couple(3) really major surgerys when I was younger and that really made me want to be a Nurse(I have several pics of me sitting in the scrubs they gave me in the hospiat!)

~I had a really good NP that restored my "faith" in the medical field. I was thrown around from Dr to Dr and she was the 1st to really explain anything to me!

~Then there is the part of me that has been always playing the nurse....from when I was little to putting band-aids on my cabbage patch dolls to trying to fix up my brothers and sister. Not to meation all my friends call me when something is wrong for a dianogis!

Specializes in Utilization Management.

There ya go! Just keep brainstorming like that and pretty soon, you'll have a rough draft! Tell some details about your stay, what you liked, what you didn't, how the nurses made a difference.

The one BIG reason I am thinking about "not" using the surgery is because I was 3,4,5 and all I remember is pretty much the tramtic parts of the stay....I can still remember being wheeled away and crying for my mom, and them holding me down.

~I know when it comes to me it will be GREAT....now that is a good attitude!

The one BIG reason I am thinking about "not" using the surgery is because I was 3,4,5 and all I remember is pretty much the tramtic parts of the stay....I can still remember being wheeled away and crying for my mom, and them holding me down.

~I know when it comes to me it will be GREAT....now that is a good attitude!

there you've go it....tell them how you would never treat a little kid like that. Tell them what you would do different, how you would comfort that poor little girl and how she would not be as traumatized as you were (gosh I feel for you, I had my tonsils taken out at 12 and never been to a hospital I was terrified to death)

It doesn't necessarily have to be a positive experience which leads you into nursing. Good luck and keep us posted :)

I just wanted to 1st say thanks for all the support~and also to fix a mistake I put in here it was 400-500 and I was wrong it is 1-2 pages. I have a couple paragraphs none of them go together but it is a good start~

I just wanted to 1st say thanks for all the support~and also to fix a mistake I put in here it was 400-500 and I was wrong it is 1-2 pages. I have a couple paragraphs none of them go together but it is a good start~

Great, you will write a good paper and if you need any more help just let us know :specs:

A good rule of thumb for any essay:

An introduction

3 examples that you elaborate about a little..First I ...Secondly blah blah and Finally more blah blah then the Conclusion where you summarize what you jsut explained and what worked very well for me EVERYTIME is that I include my two cents.

I hope I didn't confuse you too much

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

Great advice and good luck

Specializes in LTC/Skilled Care/Rehab.

Just wanted to say Good luck! Let us know how it turns out.

I am really having writers block:uhoh21: I have been trying to do this now for 2 days and I just cant seem to get it going. I am having probs starting. The funny thing is I know how I am going to end it!

Do you think I shoudl "highlight" how I was pre-nursing before and then decided to take time off because I wasnt mature enough....I was 18. Or should I just stick to postive stuff?

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