I want an honest opinion of this crap

Nurses General Nursing


Ok, here it goes. We were notified at work that there was a meeting we were told would be in our best interests to attend, not mandatory. It was a pt. She is an ob nurse at a private drs office who came in with " stroke like symptoms". She was triaged immediately, placed in a hall bed, ( only one available ), seen by a mid level within 20 minutes, had ct scan within 10 minutes of that.

The nurse who had her started her iv with some difficulty and cold not get bloood, it was drawn by the lab and they lost it. It was redrawn. She DID NOT have a stroke and was sent home. Her husband, the attorney, sent in a nasty letter to the hospital threatening legal action and they were allowed to come in and address the staff about our " lousy care"!!!!

She and her husband stated that (1.) they did not call 911 (2.) they passed 2 other hospitals to come to us (3.) they didnt see the dr, they saw the mid level (4.) we lost their blood and she was traumarized by having to have it drawn a 2nd time (5.) she did not get tpa (6.) the neurologist did not come in to see them.

We sat there and listened to this crap and I for one felt like we were slapped in the face. She didnt call 911? She passed 2 other hospitals to come to us? She was mad at the neurologist? She had a tia and was upset over not getting tpa?

Administration allowed this to happen to avoid a law suit, thinking if they let these people vent they would go away. She waived her hipaa rights so now everyone in the ER knows about this woman and what happenned and even though she was given guide lines to follow she didnt and pointed out some people who were thoroughly embarrassed!!!!! They were not even allowed to respond to this woman and her stupid husband.

I want to know what other nusrses think of this scenario!!!

You're right...it's crap.

I've never heard of anything like this. It's idiocy but bothing shocks me anymore. I wouldn't have shown up at the meeting because I just don't have the patience for stupidity and egos anymore. I'm sure this was done in the hopes of them not suing. They could still try and sue but she didn't have a stroke, she got the care she needed, and left. They lost her blood...that's a shame but she'll live. Funny thing is half of what they stated didn't have anything to even do with the staff. They didn't call 911 and passed two hospitals when they thought she was having a stroke. Just proves they are idiots. Give me a break.

Specializes in dialysis (mostly) some L&D, Rehab/LTC.

Sad part is...she's a nurse...how sad:cry:

BTW...I'd tell those wanting to write to her not to do so. It will make a bad situation worse and those letters would become part of the court case should she still sue.

If people want to send letters to the CEO, etc. about what transpired they should sign their names and stand behind it. I hope a lot of you do make your feelings known in a professional and calm matter. All of you have valid concerns and complaints here.

Specializes in Emergency & Trauma/Adult ICU.

Were the mid-level(s) who treated this patient present at the meeting? How about the lab staff who misplaced the blood specimens?

From the limited information presented here (and I understand the need for limited info) I can make a pretty educated guess at this pt.'s presenting s/s and course of treatment in the ER. Any or all of the following: headache (migraine-type), nausea, generalized weakness, reported changes in vision, or "difficulty" ambulating. No focal neuro s/s, nor hx of atrial fib or uncontrolled HTN which raise index of suspicion for a stroke. She was seen by a mid-level provider, probably irradiated with a CT scan which was negative for any acute neuro event, given IV meds for pain & nausea, after which her s/s improved sufficiently for her to be discharged with the suggestion that she follow up with a neurologist.

By the time this pt. & her husband entered the ER, they had already "decided" that she was having a stroke.

They wanted her to have tPA without clear evidence of occlusive stroke? Really? Why - does she have a death wish? Does he hold a life insurance policy on her with a high death benefit? :uhoh3:

Someone (or more likely multiple people) on your management team so lacks backbone, common sense, and even rudimentary interpersonal skills that they were unable to diffuse a patient's anger in some other way. Really, did it not occur to any of the supervisory/management staff who have interacted with this couple to redirect them by saying, "Thank goodness your results were negative and you didn't have a stroke!" ;) They are also potentially dangerous health care providers if they are so unable to differentiate between what the patient wants and what the patient needs that they allow patients without medical training to dictate medical care.

well, There are about 40 of us nursing staff and only 5 attended the meeting with the higher ups. The nurses who were called out should have gotten up and walked out but i think they were afraid due to whom else was in the meeting with them. Anyway, I am ashamed of my hospital, I really am and upset at their attitude.

We all stated that we felt risk management should have handled this, not a public venue and by the way, this woman is an OB nurse for a private drs office and probably has no experience beyond listening for FHT's

Specializes in ICU/Critical Care.

I would have put in my resignation right then and there.

If I could have afforded it, I would have.

Specializes in CVICU, CCU, MICU, SICU, Transplant.

I cant believe it (but I do). I have never heard of such a ridiculous and degrading thing as this, though.

This just goes to show....in many places (fortunately not all), administration is so blinded by "making the 'customer' happy" and sweeping BS under the rug with a smile on their face, that all else is expendible...including valuable staff members. And its equally sad that our society has regressed to some twisted form of a spoiled childhood, where only their needs matter and everyone's butt must be kissed nonstop.

I understand that you may not be able to resign on the spot, but perhaps at the very least you can start looking for a new job? And by new job, I mean in a different facility all together. This place sounds like bad news.

If it were me in that meeting, though, it would have been worth resigning on the spot, and then proceeding to tell this pt and her husband exactly what I thought. Would have been one of those once-in-a-lifetime, golden moments that I could cherish forever.

Specializes in School Nursing.

sounds like the tail is wagging the dog ! totally rediculous !! :uhoh3:

Specializes in ER,ICU,L+D,OR.

I have to admit, That I truly love nursing, That I love to work, That I get profound satisfaction from work.

However if faced with that scenario, I would not have hesitated to voice my feelings. If necessary even under threat of retribution from management. I would even have willingly given up my job, under those circumstances. I can find another job, without any difficulty. I have an excellent reputation. There are numerous job opportunities in my area.

Specializes in ortho/neuro/general surgery.

baloney kaka is what it sounds like, crap right out of a bull's #$%!

what the heck?

I wonder how many staff will quit now.

Mad cuz she didn't get tpa? Hello! It was a TIA! Sounds like the only neurological deficit she has is a major lack of common sense!

People like her and her husband are a waste of oxygen.


Specializes in ICU/Critical Care.

We need to start talking with our feet.

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