I took a travel assignment to help out, but what happens after?


Hi all. I’ll try to make this as simple as possible. I’m taking a travel assignment in NYC starting 4/20 and going through 7/18. I have put in my resignation at my current job. I will be honest before anyone throws accusations at me. Yes, I stepped up to do this purely because of the money being offered. My question is this. If projections hold true, there is a possibility that COVID cases could sharply drop off in early May. While this is amazing and I hope this happens, I am also curious as to where that would leave me standing with my “crisis” assignment. Would my contract be cancelled? Do you anticipate there being a cleanup period afterwards where they would still require some help? While I hope this virus stops today, I still would like to know where I stand as far as employment during this crisis.


I am also considering a travel contract and have the same concern although to be honest it ending by May seems very optimistic.

It's not going to end in May. But, if they don't "need" you in NYC, come May, they will cancel your contract. You'll have plenty of opportunities all over the country and it'll pick back up in the fall. I've been traveling since last June and I am on the fence about starting an assignment in New Jersey. I can ride it out for another few months. But, I don't think I would have left a permanent position just for the money. Unless, you believe that you were being exposed to COVID-19 at the same rate you'll be exposed to it in NYC. I don't think it's worth the money, but to each their own. Good luck.

Specializes in Critical Care.

Curious to see how this goes. Different places will peak at different times so you may be cancelled and can apply somewhere else.

Has anyone had a contract cancelled mid way thru? Can they do that? What is the point of a contract then?

How much was your offer in NYC? I’ve heard some are paying 10K/week if you do 5 or 6 12’s each week. Sounds exhausting but amazing money.
I saw in your past posts you are a newer nurse. I wish you luck! I’m about to go take an assignment, too.

5 minutes ago, ICUman said:

How much was your offer in NYC? I’ve heard some are paying 10K/week if you do 5 or 6 12’s each week. Sounds exhausting but amazing money.
I saw in your past posts you are a newer nurse. I wish you luck! I’m about to go take an assignment, too.

My offer was around 4600 for 4 days a week. I am a new nurse, but I feel confident enough to succeed on an assignment. I saw the posts for 10k a week. It’s a 21 day assignment, but it’s 21 days STRAIGHT. That’s an insane amount of money but I know I physically and mentally wouldn’t be able to make it through that. Also my assignment is 13 weeks so that allows me to hopefully build up some sort of relationship with a charge/manager and get references for my next assignment.

That’s great $$! I’m looking at similarly paying assignments right now. Admittedly, I am a money chaser. Do you plan to just keep taking travel/crisis assignments after this one concludes?

I work per diem at a few jobs currently but they are allowing me to take a travel assignment during this. Yeah the 21 days sounds insane. Need some days off to maintain sanity. If you are ever looking for a travel partner down the road maybe let me know.

I think these crisis assignments will continue to be plentiful throughout the Summer and fall this year. I have my eye on Florida next. I am curious if they are going to have the same experience as NYC due to the amount of elderly there.

Specializes in Psych, Corrections, Med-Surg, Ambulatory.
6 minutes ago, ICUman said:

Yeah the 21 days sounds insane. Need some days off to maintain sanity.

Not to mention a semi-functioning immune system. Hats off to you guys. Stay safe and healthy.

Not sure about cancelling you. It PLEASE think about these money opportunities. Here in Chicago they want you to work 12 hour shifts for 21 straight days then only 2 days off after that only to do it again for 3 months total. ALSO it’s a 15:1 ratio. Yes 15:1. These people know that Nurses are underpaid all over the country so they are taking advantage of us by throwing big money in front of us.
If you make a mistake you will be held accountable and they WILL throw u Under the bus. They don’t give a *** about us. They only care about how they look to the media and public.
me and my coworkers Drs included all believe we had this back in January and February. We all had these symptoms and all flu tests negative.
we have all been exposed this past 2 months yet none of us have become sick this time. We are only allowed to use surgical masks and flimsy yellow gowns and gloves. No PAPRS. Only anesthesia wears them. Be careful. Dont let the money lead you. Has anyone else been sick in early part of the year and all flu tests negative?

Specializes in oncology, MS/tele/stepdown.

Yeah they're definitely not going to keep you on at a high rate once they determine they don't need you badly. But if you've already decided to go, you accept that as a possibility. It is what it is. As soon as you've gotten to know the manager and a charge nurse or two, get your reference. Then you don't have to worry about it when/if you get cancelled.

Specializes in oncology, MS/tele/stepdown.
42 minutes ago, ICUman said:

I think these crisis assignments will continue to be plentiful throughout the Summer and fall this year. I have my eye on Florida next. I am curious if they are going to have the same experience as NYC due to the amount of elderly there.

I'm in the Tampa Bay area. Our chief medical officer says he expects our surge in the third to fourth week of April. Who knows. Right now our census is low, but we're training the procedural nurses to work the floor and many of us on the floor are expected to train for team nursing in the ICU. The only active recruiting I've seen is for respiratory therapists.

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