I was slapped by a doctor!

Nurses General Nursing


I honestly can't believe it myself! I just graduated from my program on May 16 of last month. I am still in orientation at a large level 1 trauma center on a busy cardiac care unit. The hospitalist is known for having a horrible temper anyway. Well, he was on a roll all shift today. One of my pts BP was all over the place all day. It became very low suddenly. I told my preceptor (still on orientation) and she said to have the MD paged. He was not happy and screamed at me over the phone. I braced myself for when he got to the floor, already getting very nervous. Well, he came up fit to be tied. He slammed the papers he was holding onto the nurses station where I was standing with the health unit coordinator. I forgot to get the pts chart out for him to look at (as he requested on the phone...my fault i know :(). He asked for the chart and I said...hold on I'll have to get it for you. He turned bright red and said harshly (but not screaming) "You paged me and you're not even ready!".

And then thats when it happened -- he took his hand and hit my cheek. Now, it wasn't some soap-opera backhand where I went flying across the room or anything..but a little pop. Kinda like what a mom would do to a small child if they said a bad word or something. I was so shocked I couldn't even say anything. I just handed him the chart and he want to the pts room. The whole time I was fighting back tears. The HUC and I just exchanged looks of shock with each other! I think I am going to file a complaint tomorrow against him...and the HUC said she will back me up since she was the only one who witnessed this. I had no idea that doctors behaved this way..is this normal?? To say the least I'm dreading going back in on Wednesday. I had heard some doctor horror stories..but nothing like this -- what I consider to be assault. Am I overreacting? I don't want to be seen as a drama queen or a trouble maker being on the floor only 2 weeks in this unit :(. Ugh!

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?! I couldn't not believe what I was reading. No one, and I mean NO ONE, has the right to lay their hands on anyone no matter how lightly, no matter how upset they are!!!! You are not his servant. He knows where the d*** charts are!!!! :angryfireReport him, immediately. Have your witness sign an affidavit. Don't wait until you go back to work on Wednesday to speak with upper management. File a police report. When nurses go to work each day, they may expect patients to be demanding. Doctors can be demanding, too. But to be ASSAULTED by one, NO WAY!! I'm sorry that this happened to you. It should not happen to anyone. :icon_hug:

You are NOT over-reacting. I have been in healthcare for over 20 years and if ANYONE hit me there would have been a complaint filed. Abuse is never OK by anyone.....


"It wouldn't happen but once!", is what I told my dh who is also an RN. It's one thing for a little old demented Alzheimer's patient to do it, and it's not appreciated then, but the person who laid his hand on you knew better and you should not have to be abused at work by someone like that. Makes me wonder what his wife has to put up with.

Anne, RNC:angryfire

And you know he's done it before! Next time he may hit the "wrong one" and they :pumpiron:may lay the smack down on him right in front of the nursing station!:trout::sstrs:

Specializes in Med/Surg.
Imagine, if he feels entitled to behave this way at work how he must treat his wife, children, and family dog!

File a police report and don't let this get swept under the rug because he is a physician. This is a can of worms that just became public.

Amen sister!

Specializes in Medical Surgical.

Please turn him in. Not all of us are so lucky to have a witness when a doctor lays hands on us.

I really hope you report it internally and call the police as well. Are you leaning towards doing both?! If you don't he will do it again. Don't let him get away with abuse. I fear for what he does when no one is looking.

I would also send a copy of the incident report along with a copy of the police report, to the State Board of Medicine. That will fix his sorry @$$!!.

Get the unit secretary to write up what she saw ASAP! If administration gets wind that you are going to turn in one of their golden haired "moneymakers", they will put pressure on her to change her story. Don't give them the chance. And the next time a doctor askes you to get him a chart and/or "have it ready when he gets to the floor", inform him that his arms aren't painted on- they work just fine, and he/she can get it themselves! If you really want to ruffle some feathers, call the local TV station and Newspaper! JMHO and my NY $0.02.

Lindarn, RN, BSN, CCRN

Spokane, Washington

Specializes in ER, PACU, Med-Surg, Hospice, LTC.

I am so sorry that this has happened! It is absolutely disgusting.

This idiot needs to be reported to the hospital and the Police. He needs to be investigated and needs to know that this abusive behavior will not be tolerated.

It doesn't matter where he is from or what happened.

Physical and/or Verbal abuse is totally unacceptable.

Please, don't make excuses for NOT reporting it. That is exactly what individuals in abusive relationships do. Be confident and strong. Put yourself first! You were smart to keep your cool. Nothing makes a stronger statement than a person that stays calm and doesn't return the bad behavior.

My guess is that you are not the first Nurse he has treated this way. I would bet that there others will come forward once you report battery, but if others do not come forward, your actions could prevent future abuse from happening.

I am very sorry that you have had to experience this.

Like someone else mentioned, a letter to the local paper does wonders ;)

Yep-I agree with all the posters...And yeah,I know what it's like when you sit back and think about the things you could have said and done...Well, now's your chance to do something..Report his butt NOW!!!

I would consult with an attorney about this. My private choice of attorney, not anyone affiliated with the hospital or from Pakistan either.

Write down everything you remember as soon as you can such as time, where you were standing, who was there, etc.

Fill out an incident/accident report and see a physician to inspect the injury.

Call the police.

Consider taking a day or two off work due to mental anguish. Discuss whether to return to that facility with an attorney.

If you are pressured or threatened in any way by your employer turn it over to the attorney ASAP.

Be careful who you talk to from your place of employment. Some people lie when their lips move.

Take care of yourself.

Specializes in med-surg, telemetry,geriatrics.

Id go straight to the police station and file an assuaut report to back you up. Id then sue him civilly in court sue for punivite damages professionally and maybe emotionally. And sue his gluteus maximus off! Then would report him to his MD governing board not just the hospital. Then Id go to the hospital you are legally protect by the "whistle blower" act. You check into that hun. You are safe and protected by federal law that if u feel you get harrassed at work related to blowing the whistle on the doctor and the hospital doesn't back you or his legal governing body, or the cops, or court. HE will be made to pay. Then u tell your husband or if you are close point him out and Ill kick his &^%$&**&^!

Specializes in Med surg, Critical Care, LTC.

CluelessRN81: There is absolutely no excuse for his behavior, NONE.

Not only would I write him up and report him to medical and nursing administration, I would call the police and have him brought up on assault charges. NO QUESTION ABOUT THIS!!

His kind will continue abusive behaviors unless something is done about it, if not for yourself, then for all the nurses and ancillary staff to follow you.

You did nothing wrong, this is NOT your fault.

Please keep us posted.


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