I am not proud of my track record.

Nurses General Nursing


Where do begin? :( I have been an LPN for 1 year in 2 months and unfortunately during this period I have had 5! nursing jobs. yes 5.

(1) I started off in a nursing home, just to find my niche I didn't like it but I needed a form of income and I needed some experience in the field. Two months in the DON called me and said, he thinks that its best that he let me go. He didn't give me a specific reason, but during my orientation the nurses that trained me had to evaluate how I was doing, so I assumed that did not do well during orientation. Like I said, I did not like the nursing home, I had 30-32 patients to care for and I just did not feel safe nor happy.

(2) My second job was in a pediatric home health, I was working for a family and one of the orders called for me to put cotton ball in the little boy's ears as he had surgery 2 days before. Well, I did put cotton ball in my patient ear but I had soaked and drained it with H.Peroxide. Well, the next day the family called the agency and said I put a wet cotton ball in the boys ears. The order stated for me to cleaned around the boy's ear with a cotton tip and H.peroxide and then placed a cotton ball in his ear. My mistake was I misunderstood what the outgoing nurse was telling me before she left about the patient new orders. My fault. It was a med error and the agency said I cannot work for them unless I complete a med error CEU. I never completed it, so never went back to work for them. Although, 6 months later they were still calling me to come work for them because they need nurses so bad. I didn't the patients they assign me usually live 45-50 minutes away and I just couldn't put myself through that again.

(3) My third job was a nursing home again. This lasted a month and a few weeks. I mentioned that I do not like the nursing home. I don't. But my mom work in this particular nursing home and she gave told the DON about me. Well, since my mom has been there for 5 years and a good worker they hired me. Well, I had so much patient work load that I did not do my treatments, although I charted that I did. This led to me having a meeting with the DON and 4 other people in administration. I was so nervous at that meeting that I told myself that I never want to be in such a position again. I felt humiliated, embarrassed, and just incompetent as a nurse. I was first suspended, but then let go. They informed me that they would report me to the BON. well it's been 8 months, have not gotten anything from the BON and I've checked my license online and it says I'm in good standing no complaints.

(4) My fourth job was at a pediatric clinic. i did not like it much as I felt I was losing many of my skills. I mostly gave immunizations to babies and worked on the doctor's schedule for the week. I worked there for 4 months but then i had to leave due to the fact that I started an RN program and the schedule would conflict with my work schedule. The manager loved me, got great reviews from them. I still felt bad though due to my recent firing. My self esteem just plummeted and Im still feeling like somethings wrong with me. Anyways, I did not get fired from this job, I left due to school.

(5) I am currently working for 2 agencies. one is a pediatric agency and the other is a pediatric and adult agency. Well, yesterday I got fired from the pediatric agency. The reason is I document that I left at my scheduled time when in reality I left 30 minutes early three time. Did I think they would find out? yeah. Did I think it was an issue. I did. I literally cannot figure out any reason as to why I charted that I left at 0700 when in reality I left at 0630. At the other agency I work for, one of the parents always let me leave early and she said I can still write down the time I left as the time I was scheduled. in my head, I started to think it was no longer a big deal so i did it with this agency. I know in nursing school they teach us not to do this, I hate that I'm not abiding by the things that I was taught in school and letting others influence my judgement. I knew it was a big deal and I did it anyway. I'm sure the other nurses that work with the pediatric/adult agency leave early but chart their scheduled time cause the guardian (mom) said its ok. Anyways, got called into the office today and I was let go. It is considered insurance fraud. in total I lied and said I worked 1 hour and 30 minutes. The DON were saying that the insurance company might not think its a big deal they might just say "oh, its only 1 hour and let it go. they do not think that I was trying to be malicious. but they have to report it to the BON. Two of the times I left, the patient had an appointment in the morning so he had to leave at 0530 but I charted that I left at 0600. the other time I left early is when I emailed the agency saying that I can now work 12 hours form 7pm-7am. well it wasn't suppose to start that particular week, but the following cause I have nursing clinical in the morning. Hence I left at 0630 but charted i left at 7. The DON was saying it all depends on how the BON choose to handle it.

I do not know what's wrong with me. I've never been fired before until I started nursing. I'm a few months from graduating an RN program and I still cannot get my act together. I want to treat this as a lesson learned. I'm feeling stupid cause I've been fired so many times. I'm still working for the pediatric/adult agency but I am going to chart the correct time that I leave, at the end of the day the I have to protect my license no one else. Does anyone know how long it will take for the BON to contact me? will they make a big deal over 1 hour and 30 minutes? My first year of nursing was rough. I take full responsibility. I am so embarrassed that I created another account to write this although my other account is not even lay real name. I need to remember all the handwork I put in into obtaining my license and not let it go so easily. What's wrong with me? I just do not think that I am learning from my mistakes as a normal human being would.

Me, I had a tough time getting past 'uncomapassionate'.

I've not been on this site for quite some time and this is the first post I see! I read every single comment. I am just shocked and appalled not only regarding the OP's behaviour/attitude /comments but also about comments from a (very) few others like magslu and Noub.

I have some comments of my own to throw into the ring but my brain/guts are so rattled, I'm going to wait a bit to post more organized comments. I do have to say that Wuzzie is spot on. I've been an RN for 20+ years and also have an additional perspective of being a frequent patient in the past 2 years. Whether people think she's a real poster or a troll, what she wrote about represents a real and scary subset (hopefully small) of people who are "nurses" in name only...

Falsifying records is illegal. You do realize you are a nurse

- a health care professional-

Meaning the outcome of your patients experience depends on information you submit- Which could ultimately mean LIFE OR DEATH.

There is NO excuse for that. NONE.

Specializes in ICU, LTACH, Internal Medicine.
I can only imagine the burger forum posts:

"the customer stated that she was allergic to (...) and (...). She showed me her card and asked to double check with kitchen. I was serving three tables, I had some personal problems that day and had difficult time to cope with all that at once, so I got overwhelmed. When the customer meal rung, I remembered her card I did not show to kitchen manager because I just forgot. I pushed the (...) garnish from the plate so the customer wouldn't know it was there. I still remembered about the card and allergies butbI did not return meal back to kitchen. I thought it was safe to do and serve the customer so she would't be upset for long waiting. Another waitress saw me doing so and asked me why and took the plate from my hands and reported to manager...".

A REAL note I had to read due to te fact that doing that happened to be a misdemeanor in Michigan, with all the sequela for waitress #1. The waitress #2 is now close to finish my former BSN program. She is going to be an excellent nurse and mine will be always the first life she ever saved.

I probably shouldn't respond, as I don't have much more to add hasn't been said already, but wow..I would not want you to care for any of my loved ones. Please find another profession.

So you're saying you never made mistakes at all as a nurse, hmm?

Listen, we have all made mistakes. The bigger question here is what have you learned from all your mistakes? What have you done to avoid repeating the same mistakes? It is easy to have self-pity but it does not seem like you have learned anything from your situation. We become nurses to impact patient lives. We did not become nurses to see if we will be turned into the BON or to have our license revoked. Please reconsider nursing and make sure it is a right fit for you.

You have committed fraud, yes your license can be taken for that. I know you are not hearing things to make you feel better but everything you are being told is true. You are a bad nurse. I would never want you as my caregiver. You don't learn from your mistakes and continue to make excuses for your bad behavior. I hope you find your dream job, but its definitely not in nursing

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
Listen, we have all made mistakes. The bigger question here is what have you learned from all your mistakes? What have you done to avoid repeating the same mistakes? It is easy to have self-pity but it does not seem like you have learned anything from your situation. We become nurses to impact patient lives. We did not become nurses to see if we will be turned into the BON or to have our license revoked. Please reconsider nursing and make sure it is a right fit for you.

But what she did *wasn't* a mistake. She intentionally committed fraud.

But what she did *wasn't* a mistake. She intentionally committed fraud.

Trust me I am fully aware that what OP has done is commit fraud and should not be allowed to practice nursing. I was merely responding to her statement about making mistakes.

Specializes in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology.
"the customer stated that she was allergic to (...) and (...). She showed me her card and asked to double check with kitchen. I was serving three tables, I had some personal problems that day and had difficult time to cope with all that at once, so I got overwhelmed. When the customer meal rung, I remembered her card I did not show to kitchen manager because I just forgot. I pushed the (...) garnish from the plate so the customer wouldn't know it was there. I still remembered about the card and allergies butbI did not return meal back to kitchen. I thought it was safe to do and serve the customer so she would't be upset for long waiting. Another waitress saw me doing so and asked me why and took the plate from my hands and reported to manager...".

A REAL note I had to read due to te fact that doing that happened to be a misdemeanor in Michigan, with all the sequela for waitress #1. The waitress #2 is now close to finish my former BSN program. She is going to be an excellent nurse and mine will be always the first life she ever saved.

:nailbiting: Oh my! :eek:

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
Trust me I am fully aware that what OP has done is commit fraud and should not be allowed to practice nursing. I was merely responding to her statement about making mistakes.

Well you quoted & were talking to the OP. It appeared you were telling her that what she did was merely a mistake, which is blatantly obvious it wasn't.

Nursing is not for everyone i think you issues go deeper you seem to be in the wrong line of work and i can tell it got you depress

you been expose to Nursing and its not working out are you sure you want to be a RN

my advice do some self reflection and ask yourself are you happy as a Nurse if not try to find another career

best of luck

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