I Passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank God


:balloons: WOOOOOOOOOO YEAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! I passed my state boards I am so happy. God is wonderful and I truly thank him for all my blessings. This site has also really helped me. To those taking NCLEX in the future I used Mosby's and did every question in the book it really helped alot. Keep fatih and stay calm. Thanks to all of you who supported me..............

Nicole, LPN ......That feels so good .....WOOP WOOP

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
:balloons: woooooooooo yeaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! i passed my state boards i am so happy. god is wonderful and i truly thank him for all my blessings. this site has also really helped me. to those taking nclex in the future i used mosby's and did every question in the book it really helped alot. keep fatih and stay calm. thanks to all of you who supported me..............

nicole, lpn ......that feels so good .....woop woop

:balloons: congratulations, lalawinks, you passed!!!!!!!!!!:balloons:

:nurse: nicole, lpn:nurse:

Specializes in Geriatrics, DD, Peri-op.
To those taking NCLEX in the future I used Mosby's and did every question in the book it really helped alot.

Congrats and I want to confirm the above quote. I did the whole Mosby book and part of a Lippincott's. I distinctly remember about 5 questions on the NCLEX that had I not have done all those questions, I would not have gotten them right.

Congratulations Nicole, LPN. :balloons:

Congratulations, Lalawinks! :balloons: :balloons:

Glad to hear the great news! Here's to many great years as a nurse!


Specializes in Med-Surg.



Thank You Everyone ...God Bless You :thankya: :redbeathe

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