Published Sep 25, 2005
129 Posts
I took the Hesi test (pre-nursing enterance exam) yesterday. I was so nervous. The test score carries almost equal weight to our GPA, as far as placement on the list to get into the nursing program.
I got a 96%. I was hoping for 98%, but I still think that is pretty good. I scored 100% on the math, which was surprise to me.
I don't know if this will help me overcome my current gpa deficit (3.5) so I can get in to the program a year early. If I don't get in, I am going to redo the classes I have B's in (from over 10 years ago) and hopefully have a straight 4.0. My GPA would be higher, if they hadn't cut the Sociology requirement and counted the Intro to Psych class that everyone has to take anyway- both of which I got A's in.
I still think there is a possibility I could get in!! *fingers crossed*
303 Posts
Congrats!! :) Good luck in your nursing adventure! :)
28 Posts
I took the Hesi test (pre-nursing enterance exam) yesterday. I was so nervous. The test score carries almost equal weight to our GPA, as far as placement on the list to get into the nursing program. I got a 96%. I was hoping for 98%, but I still think that is pretty good. I scored 100% on the math, which was surprise to me. I don't know if this will help me overcome my current gpa deficit (3.5) so I can get in to the program a year early. If I don't get in, I am going to redo the classes I have B's in (from over 10 years ago) and hopefully have a straight 4.0. My GPA would be higher, if they hadn't cut the Sociology requirement and counted the Intro to Psych class that everyone has to take anyway- both of which I got A's in. I still think there is a possibility I could get in!! *fingers crossed*
Congratulations and good luck! :balloons:
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
Way to go, congrats & good luck! :)
I had B's in English 1 and Intro to Psych from 13 years ago, and a B in Algebra from 2002. I retook the english & intro to psych and made A's in both of those.
For my program, there was pretty much NO possibility to get in without retaking them, but you will have to figure out what is appropriate in your situation. I had to take the NET, and it doesn't do anything to help us get in as our acceptance is solely on GPA. We just have to have at least 50 on the math & at least 50 on the english portion in order to apply. If you did that well on the HESI, and it counts so much, then you may not have to retake anything! (Hopefully you don't!) :)
Again, GOOD LUCK!!! :0)
Fun2Care, you must be so excited and nervous waiting to hear. I noticed you 19 days until... countdown in your sig line. It sounds like you are a strong contender, so hopefully you are right there in their top 10% choice. GOOD LUCK to you too!!!
For my program, there was pretty much NO possibility to get in without retaking them, but you will have to figure out what is appropriate in your situation.
If I do not get in for the Fall '06 program, then I will have a whole extra year to retake whatever needs to be retaken.
Our program does have 117 slots, which is more than alot of colleges. As long as this is not a 1000 applicant year, like it was 2 years ago, my chances might be pretty decent. They raised tuition by 1/3 this year, so enrollment has been down. At the ADN advising session, they said they only had 400+ applicants last year, 360 were qualified (some people just don't read the requirements before applying) and by midsummer, there were only 50 people left on the wait list. So I am figuring if I am within the first 50 on the list, my chances of getting in are decent. I'm just going to have to kick my butt this spring and summer to finish out my classes. I'm not looking forward to cramming Microbiology in a summer session. :chuckle
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,700 Posts
Congrats!!! :)
Achoo!, LPN
1,749 Posts
Great job!! :balloons:
37 Posts
MICCI - just curious are you apply for COD ADN program???
Fun2Care, you must be so excited and nervous waiting to hear. I noticed you 19 days until... countdown in your sig line. It sounds like you are a strong contender, so hopefully you are right there in their top 10% choice. GOOD LUCK to you too!!!If I do not get in for the Fall '06 program, then I will have a whole extra year to retake whatever needs to be retaken. Our program does have 117 slots, which is more than alot of colleges. As long as this is not a 1000 applicant year, like it was 2 years ago, my chances might be pretty decent. They raised tuition by 1/3 this year, so enrollment has been down. At the ADN advising session, they said they only had 400+ applicants last year, 360 were qualified (some people just don't read the requirements before applying) and by midsummer, there were only 50 people left on the wait list. So I am figuring if I am within the first 50 on the list, my chances of getting in are decent. I'm just going to have to kick my butt this spring and summer to finish out my classes. I'm not looking forward to cramming Microbiology in a summer session. :chuckle
Yep! Do you go there?
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
yep, I took the test the same day you did, that's why I was curious if you were going to the same school. Is this your first time apply?