Published Aug 17, 2005
40 Posts
Thank you so much for everyones support. I was scared to death after taking the boards. I had 75 questions. Anyone who needs help or would like to know how I studied I would be happy to help. Thank you all again.
Lisa Ann , RN, MLT(ASCP)
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
congratulations! :balloons:
17 Articles; 45,841 Posts
Thank you so much for everyones support. I was scared to death after taking the boards. I had 75 questions. Anyone who needs help or would like to know how I studied I would be happy to help. Thank you all again.Lisa Ann , RN, MLT(ASCP)
146 Posts
thank you so much for everyones support. i was scared to death after taking the boards. i had 75 questions. anyone who needs help or would like to know how i studied i would be happy to help. thank you all again.lisa ann , rn, mlt(ascp)
lisa ann , rn, mlt(ascp)
congratulations, miss rn!!!!!! i'm very much interested to know how you studied as i have failed my first attempt, maybe your strategy might work for me as well........congratulations again :balloons:
97 Posts
congratulations!!!! :balloons:
welcome to the wonderful world of nursing miss rn!!!!!
madwife2002, BSN, RN
26 Articles; 4,777 Posts
Many congratulations
122 Posts
congratulation, it's time to partyyou are a nurse now !!!!
16 Posts
Congrats tell us how you did it I have to retake mine :balloons:
317 Posts
Congratulations!!! I think the key to preparing is doing many questions and understanding how to rationalize the answer!!!
Tiff, RN
6 Posts
congratulations :balloons:
way to go!! i am waiting to take mine. got any good study tips? i got the chance to look at the saunders nclex book today for the 1st time, and it seems to be really good. i'll greatly accept any suggestions!!
9 Posts
hi!Congratulations!!!Im happy for you......please share it with me, thanks for your wonderful offer.Thank you.