I passed my certification exam!!


Specializes in Informatics, Education, and Oncology.

I passed my certification exam!!!! YEA ME!!!

I've been boad certified in Nursing Informatics for 8 years and set as another career goal to obtain my CPHIMS in 2008 and I did it Friday!!!!

Per the HIMSS website:

CPHIMS status provides both internal and external rewards. As a Certified Professional in Healthcare Information and Management Systems, you:

Enjoy the pride of recognition of knowing that you are among the elite in a critical field of healthcare; and Have a premier credential based on a sound assessment to distinguish yourself in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Yea me!............ I am among the "elite"!!!

To learn more about the CPHIMS exam go to:


To learn more about the Nursing Informatics Certification go to:


Specializes in Advanced Practice, surgery.

Congratulations that's fantastic news

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.



what an accomplishment!!!

Specializes in Everything except surgery.
I passed my certification exam!!!! YEA ME!!!

I've been boad certified in Nursing Informatics for 8 years and set as another career goal to obtain my CPHIMS in 2008 and I did it Friday!!!!

Per the HIMSS website:

CPHIMS status provides both internal and external rewards. As a Certified Professional in Healthcare Information and Management Systems, you:

Enjoy the pride of recognition of knowing that you are among the elite in a critical field of healthcare; and Have a premier credential based on a sound assessment to distinguish yourself in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Yea me!............ I am among the "elite"!!!

To learn more about the CPHIMS exam go to:


To learn more about the Nursing Informatics Certification go to:




Specializes in Critical Care, Pulmonary Educator.

That is great news. It looks like I will be training as a superuser at our system. Is there such a thing as formal courses that are non-credit/informational that don't cost tons of money?! Something that may lead up to certification or simply be useful for us on the job trainees:typing?!

Great news.. ..congratulations Angela!!:yeah:

Specializes in Informatics, Education, and Oncology.

There are medical, healthcare and nursing informatics courses for credit and adult education (without credit) courses out there.

That all depends on what you mean by "cost tons of money. Try doing an Internet search for: "Nursing Informatics courses"

It also depends on exactly what it is you are seeking to learn about - computer basics, the fundamentals of nursing informatics, system life cycle, change management, what?

I'd suggest you do your research and start by reading nursing informatics (NI) books that can provide you with the basic and fundamental concepts of the specialty. Do a search on Amazon.com using the terms "Nursing Informatics" and "Healthcare Informatics" Search this forum and you'll also find several recommended NI texts.

Related to being a supper user at your organization you will find that the priority will be becoming an expert user of the system, being involved in the implementation process by perhaps being able to teach the system to others (train the trainer methodology) and or being able to trouble shoot simple system problems and communciate system issues to IT/IS. These priorities are far different than learning and mastering informatics concepts and principles.

Good Luck

That is great news. It looks like I will be training as a superuser at our system. Is there such a thing as formal courses that are non-credit/informational that don't cost tons of money?! Something that may lead up to certification or simply be useful for us on the job trainees:typing?!

Congradulations....... I am interested in taking the exam in a month or so.... i have 15+ years of IT experience and 5+ years in EH&S area..... what material you used for your exam and what you found most useful? i will appreciate your feedback... thanks.

Specializes in Informatics, Education, and Oncology.

Greetings tmm43,

I used the HIMSS exam prep resources - the candidate handbook pretest, the CPHIMS self-assessment test and the recommended texts. It realy was designed to reflect real world current HIT/HIS practice areas - 1) Healthcare Enviroment, 2) Govermental, regulatory, professional and accreditation agencies, 3) Technology enviroment, 5) Systems Life-cycle, 6) Security/Privacy of data, 7) Planning and budgeting, 8) Law, ethics, communication, vendor contracting, 9) Operations management, administration, leadership, etc.

Good Luck!

[/Quote=tmm43;3318415] what material you used for your exam and what you found most useful? i will appreciate your feedback... thanks.

Specializes in Informatics.

Congratulations!.... I am planning to take the ANCC NI certification exam and CPHIMS. ANCC does not offer a review guide for NI exam unlike HIMSS for CPHIMS. Since you are certified on both, how would you describe both exams in terms of similarities and differences?

By the way, did you find the HIMSS' The CPHIMS Review Guide helpful or did you have supplemental readings?

Thanks in advance.

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