Published Mar 6, 2018
9 Posts
I am currently doubling up in my sciences and I need tips on how to manage the work load of the two. I don't want to spend too much time studying for one and neglecting the other...PLEASE HELP!
nursephillyphil, BSN, RN
325 Posts
if you're worried about neglecting the other, then why are you doubling up if you dont need to
Have Nurse, ADN, RN
3 Articles; 719 Posts
Well, am not sure how much time you have between classes and studying, but if you are allowed, with the instructors permission, invest in a tiny dictation recorder and place it at the front of the room where the lecturing is going on. It will save you from trying to take too many notes and accidently missing something really vital. My fellow classmates did this both in college and in nursing school and it worked well.
In addition, divide your study time on one subject during a certain hour(s) and take a break. Eat, and then when refreshed, attend the other subject with just as much devotion. If you have textbooks, highlight the important parts. The first paragraph or two that sums up what the chapter is about, including the summaries. Highlight those too.
And don't load up on sugar and caffeine. It will deplete you and caffeine, as you know, is a diuretic. It will dehydrate you, making you feel tired. It may be a stimulant but it will backfire when you don't stay hydrated. Dehydrated cells get sleepy.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (Hope this helps.)
because my advisor said this is the only way I could reach my goal of applying to the program by Fall this year
Thank you so much and yes it does !!!!
nursej22, MSN, RN
4,639 Posts
Make a schedule that includes all your due dates for all your assignments, and map out how much time you will study, as well as eat, sleep and the rest of your life.
Get a study buddy or two.
Schedule time for your family but let them know that for this quarter, school takes priority.
Get a good place to study where there are limited distractions.
Don't study more than 20 minutes at a time. Set a timer, when it goes off stop, get up and stretch, and stay hydrated.
Try to avoid cramming!
15 Posts
There are two things you need. One is google calendar and the other is google docs. Put all of your assignments into google docs. Input all important dates into google calendar starting from the beginning. Some people like paper calendars and this is fine as well. Staying organized will be essential. Organize your day hour by hour including lunch breaks, showers ect. The advice from a previous commenters to hit the high points in the book, record lectures and I would add sleep 7-8 hours per night no matter what! Use the TIDE app to time your study sessions using the pomodoro technique to train yourself to study up to 60 mins then 10-15 min breaks in between. You may need to start out at 25 min but that's ok. Being extremely organized and getting adequate rest will be key. Do not give up when it gets hard. If you would like more information on testing/memorization strategies message me and I will help all I can. You can and will do this, just believe in yourself. I wish you much success.
Ashdwn, RN
6 Posts
This is exactly what I would say! I've got four weeks left of my first year and I feel more overwhelmed than ever. I can't function without a detailed planner and schedules for everything. And I mean everything. I have to keep my eye on the next week but just take it a week at a time.
8 Posts
Whenever I think I might be taking on more than I can handle, I remember a couple key things. Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night, drink water instead of sugary liquids, do something to "get in the zone" for studying. To get in the zone sometimes I use lemongrass oil on my wrists (great smell), or I take a few deep breaths, or I go to my favorite spot in the library. Also it is VERY important to stay ahead of the material. Like prepare for the week ahead on the weekend! These are my tips, I hope they help!
48 Posts
After the first class, I would develop a routine or schedule of how long and when to study for each class. For example, for human anatomy and physiology, I studied about 4 hours each day, 2 hours in the morning and 2 in the afternoon or at night. Plan to schedule more study time for the course that is the most difficult or that has the most information. Also, if either of the science courses include labs, you will also have to include additional study time. When studying labs, I would begin to study immediately after the lab class was over; studying a little each day for labs, in addition to other courses, saved some time. It may be beneficial to utilize either early mornings or late nights for additional study time. To assure that you are meeting the demands of each course, write a daily task list into your planner and mark items off after they have been completed.
Thank you so much! All of you. I ended the semester with a C in Anatomy 2 and considered retaking, but I don't think I will because it would set me back to my goal of applying for Fall admission next year. I will just use these study tips to perform better in my other courses and hopefully explain the grade in my essay.