I don't need any government to tell me if I have their permission to defend myself


Specializes in BS artist.

I don't need any government to tell me if I have their permission to defend myself. If I feel threatened, I am going to carry, period. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.  Especially when I worked in homecare and went into some shady neighborhoods. I am 6' 4", 240 lb guy with a great deal of Native AmerIcan blood, myancestry tagged me around 75%. I am told I look mean and people are initially intimidated by me, but I think that is because I can see through them and frankly hate most people.  When 3 crackheads tried to jump me in Detroit, I will just say I kicked the tar out of them and still have a knife that they pulled on me (along with scars on my knuckles from knocking their teeth out). They messed with the wrong guy when they messed with a trained fighter. If they had a gun, I would have been a victim. My ancestors were victims, but I refuse to be one. Having a locked and loaded 44 under my pillow and a 357 within reach helps me sleep better at night. It levels the playing field.  My idea of an endangered species is anyone who comes through my door without my permission. You wanna see your god, try me. I will give you an instant, one way ticket to the resurrection should you enter my abode without my permission and intending me harm. . I don't need any government permission to defend myself. The government has this proven, uncanny ability to destroy everything it gets its hands on, especially healthcare. Minimal or better yet, no government is the best choice, they are about as significant to me as that speck of dog poop that I flung onto my neighbor's yard this evening. I hate them as well, but they don't mess with me. In fact, they seem afraid of me, which is fine. I like it that way.  They had Biden signs on their lawns in the last, stolen election so from that day forward  I knew they were both ignorant and stupid as well.  Having and carrying a nice, warm gun gives me peace of mind.  You whiny, liberal wimps can bellyache all you want, but after you allow yourselves to become victims, know you had a chance not to have put yourself in that predicament. 

Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.
lars said:

I don't need any government to tell me if I have their permission to defend myself. If I feel threatened, I am going to carry, period. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.  Especially when I worked in homecare and went into some shady neighborhoods. I am 6' 4", 240 lb guy with a great deal of Native AmerIcan blood, myancestry tagged me around 75%. I am told I look mean and people are initially intimidated by me, but I think that is because I can see through them and frankly hate most people.  When 3 crackheads tried to jump me in Detroit, I will just say I kicked the tar out of them and still have a knife that they pulled on me (along with scars on my knuckles from knocking their teeth out). They messed with the wrong guy when they messed with a trained fighter. If they had a gun, I would have been a victim. My ancestors were victims, but I refuse to be one. Having a locked and loaded 44 under my pillow and a 357 within reach helps me sleep better at night. It levels the playing field.  My idea of an endangered species is anyone who comes through my door without my permission. You wanna see your god, try me. I will give you an instant, one way ticket to the resurrection should you enter my abode without my permission and intending me harm. . I don't need any government permission to defend myself. The government has this proven, uncanny ability to destroy everything it gets its hands on, especially healthcare. Minimal or better yet, no government is the best choice, they are about as significant to me as that speck of dog poop that I flung onto my neighbor's yard this evening. I hate them as well, but they don't mess with me. In fact, they seem afraid of me, which is fine. I like it that way.  They had Biden signs on their lawns in the last, stolen election so from that day forward  I knew they were both ignorant and stupid as well.  Having and carrying a nice, warm gun gives me peace of mind.  You whiny, liberal wimps can bellyache all you want, but after you allow yourselves to become victims, know you had a chance not to have put yourself in that predicament. 

You threw dog poop in your neighbor's yard?  Stolen election?  Wow.  You've got some anger management issues to work on because you are going to kill yourself.  No one is arguing that vulnerable people should not have protection so you're just lying with that part.  I am anti-orificenals in peoples' homes but if I worked the night shift at 7-11, I would feel more comfortable with a gun.  I look like a very easy target:)

Specializes in Hospice.
lars said:

I don't need any government to tell me if I have their permission to defend myself. If I feel threatened, I am going to carry, period. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.  Especially when I worked in homecare and went into some shady neighborhoods. I am 6' 4", 240 lb guy with a great deal of Native AmerIcan blood, myancestry tagged me around 75%. I am told I look mean and people are initially intimidated by me, but I think that is because I can see through them and frankly hate most people.  When 3 crackheads tried to jump me in Detroit, I will just say I kicked the tar out of them and still have a knife that they pulled on me (along with scars on my knuckles from knocking their teeth out). They messed with the wrong guy when they messed with a trained fighter. If they had a gun, I would have been a victim. My ancestors were victims, but I refuse to be one. Having a locked and loaded 44 under my pillow and a 357 within reach helps me sleep better at night. It levels the playing field.  My idea of an endangered species is anyone who comes through my door without my permission. You wanna see your god, try me. I will give you an instant, one way ticket to the resurrection should you enter my abode without my permission and intending me harm. . I don't need any government permission to defend myself. The government has this proven, uncanny ability to destroy everything it gets its hands on, especially healthcare. Minimal or better yet, no government is the best choice, they are about as significant to me as that speck of dog poop that I flung onto my neighbor's yard this evening. I hate them as well, but they don't mess with me. In fact, they seem afraid of me, which is fine. I like it that way.  They had Biden signs on their lawns in the last, stolen election so from that day forward  I knew they were both ignorant and stupid as well.  Having and carrying a nice, warm gun gives me peace of mind.  You whiny, liberal wimps can bellyache all you want, but after you allow yourselves to become victims, know you had a chance not to have put yourself in that predicament. 

Another new user in the Great Magaloon Invasion of AN.

You wouldn't know it from some posts, but nurses are theoretically, at least, trained in critical thinking. So ... what is your point? Hint: who profits from keeping the American electorate divided and angry?

Specializes in Hospice.

This topic is ridiculous.  I do not even believe this is a real "conservative". Too many "conservative" stereotypes. 


Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.
Netshark said:

This topic is ridiculous.  I do not even believe this is a real "conservative". Too many.  "conservative" stereotypes. 


I do.  It's in the fundamentalist end if the conservative movement. He sounds like another young angry male who's been given carte blanche to carry whatever he wants.  He gives me the creeps.

Specializes in Hospice.
Netshark said:

This topic is ridiculous.  I do not even believe this is a real "conservative". Too many "conservative" stereotypes. 


Glad you put "conservative" in quotes. I'm afraid that the word no longer means what it did in Buckley's day

Specializes in oncology.
subee said:

You've got some anger management issues to work on because you are going to kill yourself. 

Or kill someone else==want to see anger management issues kill a patient?


heron said:

Another new user in the Great Magaloon Invasion of AN.

with a description of: Specializes in BS artist. Has 21 years experience.

Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.
londonflo said:

Or kill someone else==want to see anger management issues kill a patient?


with a description of: Specializes in BS artist. Has 21 years experience.

I was trying to be nice and nursey:  he will kill himself with a stoke or some other rage-induced self harm.  That is not what makes him creepy - it's the threat to others he leaves hanging in the air that is sick.

Specializes in BS artist.

What is a stoke, anyways? And what did my opinion about the government and these stupid and illegal laws and the wholesale raping of our once sacred Constitutional Rights and all these never ending rules and hyper regulation  they manage to keep creating have to do with 2 paramedics supposedly smothering someone? No correlation whatsoever. Such a sad reflection and example of our failed educational system. Illiteracy and comprehension problems. American society started to falter when the government intruded into private affairs, and in my opinion was exacerbated with the women's lib movement, so now we have more and more government intrusion and acceptance of deviant and aberrant lifestyle choices, and the collapse is nearly complete. Congratulations. Then real men like myself will have to step in and build it back up from the ash heaps of ruin that the libtards drove it into. 

Specializes in BS artist.


' I was trying to be nice and nursey:  he will kill himself with a stoke or some other rage-induced self harm.  That is not what makes him creepy - it's the threat to others he leaves hanging in the air that is sick.' Too funny. A non sequitur straw man response.  I know what a CVA is, but please enlighten me, oh wise one. Just what is a stoke? A mind is a terrible thing to waste....

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

So many frightened and angry manly men...

Specializes in Hospice.

This guy likes to seagull - drop a load of *** then fly away.

Oh, well. Even stupid people need to vent once in a while.

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