Published Dec 20, 2008
24 Posts
i have finished my prereqs for the lpn program. i'm currently out of school for christmas break. the next winter quarter starts in january. my parents told me that during my time in school (winter) we will have many pre planned events (mandatory) that i will miss alot of days from school. instead of trying to go and struggle with keeping up with assignment and other stuff i will take the quarter off. but sitting out of school for 3 months won't cut it for me. what are some other alternatives that will occupy me during my 3 month break? i have a part time job (15 hours per week) but it isnt enough.
rn2bnwi, BSN, RN
295 Posts
ummm? that is really odd. what kind of mandatory 'requirments' could a parent could give an adult. i personally wouldn't put my edcuation on hold because my parents want to still control me but also almost 30 with kids of my own.
263 Posts
You know, I was having this same thought. I think that's really terrible that a parent would try to force a child to put her education on hold....and really, thats exactly what they're doing, as most LVN programs are pretty strict about attendance, and likely would have dropped the OP, even if she decided to still try to attend school. What makes this even worse, is that the OP sounds quite driven and seems to have great work ethic ["sitting out of school for 3 months won't cut it for me", " i have a part time job (15 hours per week) but it isnt enough."]. I know its none of my business, and if you'd rather not answer, please say so, but may I ask what these "mandatory" obligations are? If you want my opinion, unless they have an unbelievably good reason to "require" that you miss school [i mean like, "wow, there's no way I can argue with that"] the I would suggest, and I'm sorry if this is crude, that they remove their heads from their asses and let you focus on your education.
racing-mom4, BSN, RN
1,446 Posts
Having 2 soon to be college kids my self I can not IMAGINE telling your child to take a semester off....especially in nursing----it is hard to get a spot in a nursing school and harder to keep one once you have it.
My advice is grow up. Tell your folks "Wow I will really miss X-Y and Z event-take lots of pictures for me"
Do not drop out of school. Ask your counselor what the return rate is for students who "took a semester off" you will be shocked.
good luck on your studies!!
Magsulfate, BSN, RN
1,201 Posts
Having 2 soon to be college kids my self I can not IMAGINE telling your child to take a semester off....especially in nursing----it is hard to get a spot in a nursing school and harder to keep one once you have it.My advice is grow up. Tell your folks "Wow I will really miss X-Y and Z event-take lots of pictures for me"Do not drop out of school. Ask your counselor what the return rate is for students who "took a semester off" you will be shocked.good luck on your studies!!
Um, yeah, I agree with this! I don't know of any mandatory events that your parents want you to put ahead of school. Do they know you feel this way? That you feel like you'll be missing school and you need alternatives? Just go to school for the winter. IF it's a vacation that they're talking about, you can do that after school is over. I just see that you really want to go to school. Tell them.
mesa1979, BSN, RN
120 Posts
Wow, something's not right here! Are you using this as an excuse to drop, or are your parents really that controlling?
225 Posts
Ok, I just really wanna chime in here! Oh my goodness!!!! The fact that you're even WONDERING is soooooo incredibly sad to me!! That you, as an adult, would even use the word "mandatory" is shocking to me! I know I'm prob'ly coming off strong, but wow, I mean, it's one thing for family functions to be "mandatory" as a 5 year old, but ... wow... I don't even really know what to say. I feel sad for you that you and your family are so enmeshed that family functions are "mandatory" to the point that you're even CONSIDERING dropping out of school!! Not trying to be harsh, or critical or anything like me this would be a non-issue (I wouldn't go)
I say this from DOING IT...saying "no," and just letting them be angry and have their temper tantrum...yes, it was extreeeeeemely difficult at first, but i made a decision one day: it's MY life, and I am the ONLY one who can live it and it's my job to do it! And yeah, sometimes that's included making very painful-feeling choices - that are good, even thru the pain.
my parents are NOT forcing me out of school. it is just my religion requires us to miss a couple of days from work and school and since it would be hard to make it all up, i was questioning myself about doing this. i'm not dropping out, its just taking a break. i been going to school faithfully without a break since the summer of my freshman year (sophmore now).
My parents says it is up to me on what i want to do. i got a letter stating i didnt get in the program, therefore, i need another alternative thats all. i have to wait another 3 months until i get an acceptance letter from them (the school).
Thank you for the clarification. Sounds completely different than how it was originally posted. Do you need to stay enrolled to qualify for another semester? I know some schools require students to take at least one class each qtr/sem in order to still be eligible for acceptance in the program. If that's the case for you, I'd suggest taking like an art class or something, or if there's a class that meets once a week that will NOT fall on the days you need to miss. Also, admin is usually understanding about religious commitments and depending on your academic standing may allow you an absence without penalty. If you DON'T need to be enrolled to qualify for acceptance, I'd take the qtr/sem off and enjoy the break. My
not getting into the program is totally different than what you first stated. i would try to get a job as a CNA. Good luck!
Jules A, MSN
8,864 Posts
But wouldn't you have the same religious requirements next time also? Around here getting into a nursing program is tough and I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize it. Not sure what your religion is and I certainly wouldn't try to persuade you either way but if it were me, I'd pray on it and ask for understanding if I decided to continue on in school and had to miss a holiday or two. Good luck with whatever you decide.
38,333 Posts
If you need to stay enrolled in the school in order to be accepted into the program or for financial aid reasons, I agree that you should take an elective class(es) to maintain your enrollment and make sure they don't conflict with the days you need off. In anticipation of your future you could take a class or two for transfer toward a four year degree. You never know, you might want to pursue your BSN some day and the sooner you get those general ed classes out of the way, the better. Or you could just try to see if you can get more hours on your job. Either way, enjoy your break while you can.