Published May 27, 2010
202 Posts
So there is a longer version of this story, but I will try to shorten it :)
So for the last couple of months I have been working my behind off to try to get into an ADN program in Pensacola for the fall of 2010. Unfortanetly, I was told I didn't get in for Fall, but that I got in for Spring of 2011. So I decided I would continue working and take some more classes. I currently live about 3 hours from Pensacola, so I decided that I would try and get into my local Community COllege that is a little more competative than Pensacola Junior College. Well, duing this time my Fiance applied and got into fireschool, here, and will start in July. My application for my local college for the Spring is not due until September. So--My Fiance and I moved back in with my parents (until Decemeber) to save some money for the wedding.
Well this morning PJC calls me and tells me that I am in for the FALL, that some peolpe did not accept there position there, so more spots opened up! So now, I am thinking do I go to Pensacola for semester by myself, while my Fiancee is in Fire school here? Do I quit my job here and commit to moving away from everyone here? Or do I stay here for another semester see if I get into my local school--and save some money for the wedding?? Sorry, I know it's kinda a confussing story. Any advice would help. Oh, and I have to tell them by JUNE 7...
19 Posts
I would stay and try to get into your local school. Unless of course you're willing to drive 3 hours to school and back. I think moving is not a very good option. I know how badly you want to get into a program. But everything happens for a reason. Ultimately the decision is yours.
LevitateMe, RN
109 Posts
is it going to be hard and cost you alot to move there by yourself? can you tell them you'd like to stay with in the spring class since you've already made arrangments? will your fiance be done with fire school by then?? sounds like either way you are going to have to move out there by yourself for a while at least while he's in school right? so i guess decline and ask to be kept in the class starting in the spring and apply for the fall or spring program at the college close to home incase you could get in there instead??
did that make any sense??
: )
Yes, makes great sense. I think that is what I will do. Would rather stay here for school, then to move away from my family at this time. My fiances family is there, but I think by staying we can save money. It just stinks because before they told me about not getting in for Fall-- we had all these plans to move. But I guess everything does happen for a reason :) Hopefully I can get into my local school...
good luck!
mamamerlee, LPN
949 Posts
Aside from everything else, rethink your wedding plans. The 'wedding' is not as nearly important as the marriage. You are already living together; save your money for a downpayment on a house, or your moving expenses.
As for school, I agree with the idea of asking the Pensacola people if you can start in the spring.
Best wishes!
Turtle in scrubs
216 Posts
Have you spoken with a counselor at your local school. Although they can't tell you for sure if you will or won't get accepted, they have a pretty good idea (knowing the requirements, the competitiveness, waiting list, etc.). If you haven't done this already it may help you make a more educated decision. Whatever you decide, good luck
506 Posts
I'd be careful about turning down an acceptance, though...because there's no guarantee you'll get one again.
158 Posts
hey if it were me I would jump to take to position for the fall and not wait to see if you get into another school. I know it will be away from your family, but in order to get into nursing you gotta do what you gotta do.
38,333 Posts
I would definitely think long and hard about turning down an acceptance. They don't come about every day and you have no guarantee that the local school would accept you. I would try to get a postponement to the spring class if that would make things easier on you.
30 Posts
I made a decision somewhat like yours. I was going to my local community college working on a 2 year AS degree while I was on the waiting list for ADN program, which at the time took forever. So by the semester I was to graduate with my AS degree, they accepted me for the fall semester in ADN program. I had a nice boyfriend at the time I had been dating for a year. I also had applied to several BSN programs d/t taking so long to get into ADN program. I had got accepted to BSN program, 4 hours away from where I currently lived. I had to decide, do I want to stay here, do 2 year ADN program or move 4 hours away and do 2 1/2 years and have a BSN when I'm done. I really didn't consider the guy I was dating at the time. I just went for the BSN. I figured we'd keep seeing each other on weekends or whenever we could. He didn't see it that way. He said he didn't want to see me again. I was broken hearted at the time but soon figured out if he was really important to me I would have made that decision based on his needs as well. All ended good because I met and married my husband of 16 years and got the BSN from the school that was 4 hours away. All I'm really trying to say is what is your fiance saying about this? Also put your mind in the future, say your lying in your death bed. When your looking back over your life what do you envision would be your most important memories and let that guide you. I wish you the best. Even if your dream of being an RN is delayed a little you could still obtain that goal.
119 Posts
I agree with most of the other posters about moving and going to school in the Fall, and even though that school that is 3 hours away is saying you got accepted into Spring, what if something happens and they are no longer able to fit you in during spring...Nursing school is hard to get into and like other posters said Don't take acceptance lightly:-). Also I would make your decision based on what you want, not what your Fiance wants, not that you guys will break up, but what if that did happen? What decision would make you the happiest, know that during nursing school, you won't see each other that much anyway. Also one thing to look at too is where would you live and work if you were to move? Also think about what your goals are after your nursing degree, if you plan on going further, ie being a Nurse Practitioner or a CRNA or any other field that requires an advanced degree, consider applying for BSN programs as well...