I am leaving nursing...


Specializes in PP, Pediatrics, Home Health.

While I do love being a nurse, I am leaving the nursing field.I am pursuing the career of being a stay at home mom.Yes you read that right, I am leaving nursing(after only a year) to be a stay at home mom.The stress of nursing alone has me feeling so overwhelmed :crying2::crying2::crying2:.I am trying to have another baby, and due to stress I have not been able to have another one.My oldest child is going to be 3 in 2 months, and we were hoping I'd be pregnant by now, but no such luck as of yet:crying2::crying2::crying2:.The stress of a hard job,family life, and keeping up with the house is simply weighing me down.Due to stress last year my cycles went totally out of whack, I gained all kinds of weight and started to not exercise as much as I used to because I was always tired all the time.Having a family( a large family)is what I have been wanting since getting married 3 years ago.Since leaving the nursing field I have started my own home businesses(3) that are doing quite well, and I love the fact of being home with my daughter, and the freedom to set my own schedule and to work when I want to.I don't have to worry at a job all day when she's sick,I can do all kinds of activities with her during the day like go to the park,going for hikes,swimming,baking,go to the library etc,I can be with her when she needs me most.When I was working I was too tired on my days off to really want to do anything with her,now that I have left the nursing field I have a lot of energy, I am more relaxed, and I go out more then I used to.I love being home with her, becoming a mother and a wife was one of the best things that ever happened to me, and I really enjoy spending time with my daughter.I might return to nursing someday...but right now growing a family and spending this precious time with my daughter is one of the most important things I could ever do.:redbeatheI don't care what others think about my decision, I am doing what is best for me,my hubby and my little one right now.

What 3 home businesses do you have?what kind of nurse were you?

Specializes in Tele, ICU, ED, Nurse Instructor,.

Are you just venting? Why are you posting if you dont care what others think? And you have already made up your mind. Hope you come back to nursing after you have your large family.

Specializes in LTC.
Specializes in LTC Rehab Med/Surg.

Hooray for you. You will not regret your decision when there is so much more to your life away from nursing. This may only be a step away instead of closing a door. Either way you're an inspiration to me.

Enjoy your new life.

Specializes in PP, Pediatrics, Home Health.

I worked doing pediatrics with special needs kids.There were always people getting fired,they were short staffed,the drive was too far,and they ALWAYS had something to complain about.It was a stressful job, and I enjoyed it at the beginning, but after a few months I didn't enjoy it anymore.

As for home businesses I sell cloth diapers,I make greeting cards,and I help people finalize wedding plans and checklists.

A little bit of a vent yes...while I do love nursing,I just didn't realize how stressful it truly was and all the responsibility associated with it.The stress has done horrors on my body, and I have not felt as bad as this ever.Before school and nursing, I was happy and content,took care of myself and loved going out and spending time with my daughter.All that changed after school and working as a nurse.I wasn't happy, I found I was short tempered,and I was too tired to ever want to do anything with my daughter or even go out with my husband.

Since leaving I am happy again and my daughter is much happier.

Good for you!! I stayed out of nursing for 13 years raising my family and never missed it - later, much to my surprise, I re-certified and found a part time nursing job. I really enjoy my time at work now and of course the extra pay helps. The only thing I would have done different -looking back - is that I would have tried a little harder to find something that fit my family's schedule rather that quit outright- because we really could have used the extra money. We managed but it was a big load on my husband.

You can never rewind time, so spending time with your kids while they are growing up is challenging, but well worth it!

I have stayed at home with my kids for 8 years and I have enjoyed every moment! I cannot thank my husband enough. Enjoy the time with you family, I know you will!:yeah:

A nurse at my obgyn office works two 10 hour shifts a week in a low stress environment, which allows time for family and an income. God luck to you.

Specializes in Cardiac Care.

I am so sorry that the field of nursing wasn't making you happy. It definitely has its challenges, and can be extraordinarily stressful.

On the other hand, I am thrilled for you that you found something that makes you happy. Life is too short to be miserable.

I wish you much luck, success and happiness.

Specializes in Rodeo Nursing (Neuro).

Best wishes. Certainly, for some, getting out of nursing and never looking back is a valid choice, and it's hard to fault choosing family over any career. As you note, the option to return at some later date is a possibility. But I would caution others who may read this and be trying to decide whether nursing is for them that the first year tends to be rough for anybody. Many who have found the stress overwhelming do learn to cope and go on to be happy nurses. I'm one, and I know many others. So, if it clearly isn't for you or there's something you would rather do, that's one thing, but if you are discouraged or think you might not be capable, that often passes.

Specializes in PP, Pediatrics, Home Health.

Trust me I am enjoying the time I get to spend with my daughter immensely!I have been going back to the gym and I love my walking group with other young mothers that I participate in.I do a mommy and me swim group too and she adores it just as much as I do!It has allowed me to relax and to better enjoy my time being at home with her and my hubby.Of course hubby was skeptical at first of me being home, but now that I am he has seen a dramatic improvement in my overall well being.

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