I don't know if I can be a nurse.

Nursing Students General Students


Hi everyone! So I started nursing school In June of this year, I just started my second semester 4 weeks ago (im in an LVN program).

I don't even know where to start but every since day 1 of this new semester, I've been struggling so much, like I can't even take it! 2 days into the second semester, we had a math competency which I failed, it wasn't even the math portion of it. I took it a second time, I failed! Again, it wasn't the math, I took a third time, failed it! It wasn't the math AGAIN!!:crying2: Also, our first skill competency I failed! Same day I failed the 3rd attempt math competency! We had a medication test for pharmacology today and I KNOW I failed! We had an online pharm quiz today and I failed!

I'm just so mad right now, upset, disappointed, stressed, overwhelmed, I mean what else?? I feel like I shouldn't even try anymore because I fail at everything I do.

I just don't feel smart enough to be a nurse! I'm NOT smart, I keep failing, how am I gonna be a nurse if I don't know my medications? I'm so upset because this was my dream, now I feel like I can't do it. I study but I still don't remember anything, idk what else to do. I feel so depressed, how do I even continue the program?

This totally sucks, I see the other girls in my class and they are so confident, they pass their tests, understand everything, and I'm so behind.

Idk if i have a question, but just wanted to vent because I don't know what to do. I don't feel smart enough to be a nurse.

Hi prettynerd,

Take the time out to breathe. Your post said you are overwhelmed. Evaluate your strengths and there may be more of them than you give yourself credit due to the fact you've gotten this far. We are in school pushing ourselves toward something new/better or there are who have been through your situation & are nurses. Listen to them. It is not an easy path becoming a nurse or anything else you choose to do. You Still need that survival skill essential to every successful person I know...ASKING FOR HELP! We all know it may be difficult-cutting yourself a break and asking for help. We all need it at some point. That's why schools have tutors, to help students like US. I use a tutor, YouTube, heck , I'll use an abacus, fingers & toes & yours too😜😜😜. you are not alone in the struggle.

Having your confidence shaken can make learning even more difficult. Before throwing in the towel, ask to speak with an academic counselor about your concerns. A good counselor identifies obstacles and develops strategies to help you study and take tests effectively.

I actually flunked out of LPN school. It was a horrible experience and the instructors were not supportive at all. They made it very clear that this was a "weeding out process". Fast forward 12 years later; I am an RN, BSN working critical care at a prestigious magnet hospital. You determine your destiny. If this truly is your dream then you will do what you need to do to make it a reality. Maybe this program isn't for you. Maybe your calling is to be an RN not an LPN. These are all questions that you must answer for yourself.

I actually flunked out of LPN school. It was a horrible experience and the instructors were not supportive at all. They made it very clear that this was a "weeding out process". Fast forward 12 years later; I am an RN, BSN working critical care at a prestigious magnet hospital. You determine your destiny. If this truly is your dream then you will do what you need to do to make it a reality. Maybe this program isn't for you. Maybe your calling is to be an RN not an LPN. These are all questions that you must answer for yourself.

Thanks for sharing Clane. It was this post that I needed to read today to know that I'm going to get through no matter what obstacles come my way. I'm in my first semester of nursing school & it's been rough, but I'm not giving up!! I've wanted this for Sooo Long! & doing clinicals at my local nursing home, just reconfirmed to me why I belong in this field! I loved it!

Thank You.

You need to figure out why you are failing so many exams. Did you study for them and if so did you study long enough? Did you study the right material? Did you understand what you were studying or did you just try to memorize things? From my own personal experience, every test that I did bad on was my own fault. Tried to cram too soon before the exam and didn't really understand what I was studying. Try speaking to your advisor and professors.

hi, thanks for your answer :) I have been trying to figure out why i fail at some test, and I do agree that maybe i don't study long enough and sometimes I question if I am studying the right material. I don't like to cram either but sometimes I have so many other assignments that are due before and so I only get like 2 days of studying :(


you must be smart to get into nursing school! Try to relax, feeling stressed is not conducive to optimum learning. Looking at others accomplishments can force some people to compare themselves and feel negative.

Look at all of the things you accomplish, don't give up, its just your current perception. You can do it and you are successful! Its an emotional roller coaster getting through school,you may just be having a bad time at the moment but this will pass.

Keep going, it will all turn out good. Be positive and shine :)

Awww thank you so much for this

I actually flunked out of LPN school. It was a horrible experience and the instructors were not supportive at all. They made it very clear that this was a "weeding out process". Fast forward 12 years later; I am an RN, BSN working critical care at a prestigious magnet hospital. You determine your destiny. If this truly is your dream then you will do what you need to do to make it a reality. Maybe this program isn't for you. Maybe your calling is to be an RN not an LPN. These are all questions that you must answer for yourself.

Thank you! I know I want this and I've always been career oriented and school has always been so important to me, that's why I am so hard on myself, sometimes I get mad at myself for not getting perfect scores. Thankfully, my instructors are all supportive and will help us out in whatever we need. I apply for the RN program 3 years ago and didn't get in, so I believe God has a plan and maybe it wasn't the right time to be in the RN program but thankfully I'm here, and can work myself up.

Thank you Finalee :) Sometimes I need to remind myself to breathe. I was really overwhelmed when I wrote this, I feel a ton better now, I'm NOT failing any of my classes, it was just the small quizzes and skills that were getting to me :/ I'm glad to hear that everyone struggles at some point, I've never really struggled in school so this is only going to make me stronger by pushing me to study harder and try harder.

hi, thanks for your answer :) I have been trying to figure out why i fail at some test, and I do agree that maybe i don't study long enough and sometimes I question if I am studying the right material. I don't like to cram either but sometimes I have so many other assignments that are due before and so I only get like 2 days of studying :(

Sounds like maybe just a matter of organizing your time? Print out a weekly calendar template. Put in 2-4 hours a day to study that same time for each day.

My question to you is what are you doing to improve? Are you reviewing the questions? Have you gone to resources such as your professors, and told them that you failed so and so times and you really need help in identifying what you're doing wrong? What is it that you're not understanding? If you don't tell us, we can't help you. You say you failed the math competency but it wasn't on math, so what was it on? Did you fail on the rights of medication administration or something? What are you doing to study for the exams. What are you doing differently after failing the first or second time? How can you expect anything different if you don't do anything different?

Honestly OP, here comes the tough part, some people can dream about being a nurse all they want but some people just aren't cut out for it. I'm not saying that's your case but it certainly can. And just from your post it doesn't sound like you have much resolve or passion to continue this path. Why are you comparing yourself to the other students, not everyone is the same, do your own thing, focus on your own prize. You're being so down on yourself, thinking you're not smart enough or whether you want to continue this. It makes me wonder if a part of you has already given up and think it's easier to just not do it.

No one said nursing was going to be easy, the question is what are you going to do about it?

Ok so this is what I do, like for tests, I record lectures, and I go back and listen to them while looking at the powerpoints. I also print out the objectives and read and answer the objectives. Yes, I also read the chapters and highlight, occasionally taking notes. The math/med competency, I did all my mad right! What I wasn't doing well on was the questions on the medications, for example something like what is a scored tablet. I just blank out and don't remember so those I always missed. I am trying to do things better/differently I am still trying to figure out how to study in NS because it's completely different than the pre reqs. I haven't given up because I worked so hard to get here and I want to succeed and graduate but I've always gotten As and now I struggle so in my head i just think "well what if im not smart enough to be a nurse". I have spoken to my other classes who I thought weren't struggling and were understanding everything BUT they told me they also struggle and sometimes they are lost in lecture. I'm glad I'm not the only one, and glad there's nothing really wrong with me. Just need to keep moving and try harder. I'm still trying to figure out the best method to doing so.

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