Published Jul 24, 2011
9 Posts
After everyone at my school saying that it was impossible, that I couldn't pass, or telling me "goood luck with that" with an eyeroll...
I did it:D! I took A&P II, Microbiology, Statistics, and Medical Terminology all in a 10 week summer semester...and I made 3 A's and 1 B (the B in Medical dumb, the only B I've ever gotten...)!!!!
So my prereqs are done and I just have to apply to get into the nursing program at my school in October. Hopefully I'll be accepted and start in January. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for all of you going through the same thing! We can do this!
66 Posts
WOOT! congrats! VERY proud of you. That's a lot to take on, and those are awesome grades! Good Job!
52 Posts
congrats!!! that is very good! perseverance goes a long way!
291 Posts
Congrats!! You did awesome!
mzrainydayz, BSN, RN
364 Posts
very impressed, congrats and good luck!
SBJustBreathe, ASN, RN
297 Posts
That is awesome!! You give me hope for next semester!! Good luck getting into NS!!
31 Posts
Congrats! I have had several tell me I'm not going to be able to do the classes I'm taking in the fall. I'm taking A&P I, A&P lab, Chemistry, Chem Lab, College Algebra, and Eng Comp I. Its really good to get on here and see something positive. I know I can do it! I'm ready to get started this semester....less than one month to go.
16 Posts
Congrats that's amazing!!! Good luck to you!
99 Posts
Congrats!!! If I may ask how did you do it? As far as study tips and time management? I am in ap 1 and med term right now and am struggling horribly!
TexasNurse2B: Well, I spent ALL of my time at school studying. Literally 12 -13 hours a day. From 8 in the morning until 9 at night most days. I can't tell you when I last got to sit down and watch an entire episode of TV or just relax, and I think my 1 year old daughter thought I just came over to visit at my own house sometimes =\
I can say that it was worth it though. If I had taken the courses by the schedule that the school recommends then I wouldn't be able start the nursing program until Fall 2012, whereas now I'll be able to start in Spring of 2012 (two semesters makes a big difference to me, that's almost a whole year!)
I had to take away ALL distractions. I started putting in noise-canceling headphones and listening to classical music to help me really focus.
I made notecards- for every class- this REALLY helped me for Med Term. I made a template for myself for all of my classes in a word processing program (Microsoft Word, etc) and instead of writing them out I typed and printed them and cut them out. Yeah, I probably would have gotten that little extra "oomph" from writing them out, but I type much faster than I write and I needed that little bit of extra time to actually study the material.
For the harder classes like A&P and Micro, I made my notecards in a question format. For example, one card might say "What is the mode of transmission for the organism that causes African Sleeping Sickness?" and on the back I'd put "Tsetse Fly". It helped me understand the material WHILE memorizing it, because we all know you can't (and wouldn't want to) get through those two classes with just rote memorization.
Also, it helps if you just set aside a small amount of time to study HARD. Sometimes I had to tell myself "If I can study this material NONSTOP, and try to actually UNDERSTAND it for thirty minutes, then I'll take a ten minute break for facebook"
And if a study method isn't working for you (like if you've just been reading the book or studying in one specific way), then by all means try another way. I have to google a lot of stuff from A & P and see how other people word their view on that topic and sometimes someone else just explains it so that I understand it PERFECTLY.
You'll get it, just don't let it worry you too much. My favorite professor told me recently, when I asked how one person in our class did so well on his lecture tests, "She uses common sense. If she can't reason a question out using what she's learned, she just uses plain old common sense." And do you know what? I made a 92 on the next test I took for him by doing that! It seems so simple lol but I had never thought of it like that...
Good luck, you can do this!!
It's definitely doable! My Microbiology and my Anatomy and Physiology II both had lab and lecture components, so they were both 2 hour classes, four days a week. Sixteen hours a week of bio class time is a lot (my other two courses were online), but the time you have to spend working on it at home is way more than that.
Don't listen to those people who tell you that you can't do it- just take down their names and be sure to let them know that you DID do it when it's over!
Good luck with the Fall semester, you can handle it!
298 Posts
Whoo!!! That's a whole lot of classes in 10 weeks. I can relate to what your saying about the skepticism that you were faced with when you told people about your schedule. I just finished taking 8 weeks of anatomy and physiology I and II as well as Chem II. People were telling me to drop and yea, I was almost losing my mind over it. But I made it and did very well in them. So I'm glad that you stuck in there with your plan because it takes alot of dedication to do what you did. Congrats and good luck.