Published Feb 23, 2009
39 Posts
I just need some reassurance!! I am new to school nursing, been at my school for about 4 months. The thing is I have been sick 4 times since I started and have been out a total of 6 days. Is it normal to be sick so much as a school nurse? All my other nursing buddies say that I have to get immune to all of the "new" germs I'm around. I worked in the ER 6 years before this and I think I was only sick maybe 3 times that I can remember. I have a very high work ethic and feel guilty about missing so much time. I am religious about washing my hands and keeping my room wiped down. I am considering wearing a mask for all those droplets, though!!!!
88 Posts
I have been doing this for 6 years and yes my first year was bad. I had children so I was immune to some of it already. It is like a 5 year old starting school, you will pick up everything that comes around for a while. I have not missed a day 3 years for being sick. I have taken some days with my kids though. It will get better. I also had come from a hopital setting. Good Luck!
Flare, ASN, BSN
4,431 Posts
yeah - to begin with you'll pick up everything that the kids bring into you. After a while (after you've had one of everything, we often joke) you should become pretty resistant. Just keep following your own advice - wash you hands a lot, lots of fluids ( and some chicken soup coulnd't hurt either )
Aneroo, LPN
1,518 Posts
Totally normal, still a pain in the butt.
While we make sure to wipe down our office and phone like crazy, when we open to door to enter the school or go into the cafeteria, it's rampant: the kids don't care!
23 Posts
Omg! I'm so glad I came across your thread. I've been a school nurse since Nov and ever since I've been sick every month. This month is my second time being sick. I've missed 4 days without pay so far, and it's not as if we get paid that much to begin with. I don't know how much of this I can take.
Purple_Scrubs, BSN, RN
1 Article; 1,978 Posts
I am just past my one year mark as a school nurse, and I am just getting over another sinus infection! It has gotten better, though, so hang in there. I am down to a cold every couple of months now, which is better than every month. I have not gone to wearing masks yet, but I do disinfect my entire office once I send a kid home with fever or anything I think is contagious. I wipe down my desk, cots, door handles, etc. I also make the parents use a separate pen from mine when signing kids out :) I wash often and use alcohol based gel throughout the day.
NotReady4PrimeTime, RN
5 Articles; 7,358 Posts
Of course you keep getting sick... you work in a petri dish.
You might want to make sure your own immunizations are up-to-date.
luvschoolnursing, LPN
651 Posts
Just when you get used to all the hospital "cooties" you move to the school. My first year, lets see, I had pink eye, pneumonia, multiple colds...yeah, you're normal.
The other triggering thing: A lot of these schools are OLD. Mold, asbestos...yech.
46 Posts
I know I'm late replying to this message but I wanted to chime. I am new to school nursing (and this board, it's my first post here:wink2:) and have been catching a lot too. As far as the feeling guilty about missing work: My mom, who has worked in the school system for 20+ years reminded me that this happens to every first year teacher and that admin. is used to it and even went through it themselves so they should be understanding.
1,112 Posts
I agree with everyone else, getting sick repeatedly your first few months in a kid population cannot be avoided. You should be past the worst of it.
I also wonder though how much sick time are the kids and teachers having? I know you have no comparison, but wonder if the last nurse did not conduct a annual handwashing program and perhaps the school handwashing and coughing hygeine practices are poor? Did you do your handwashing program yet this year? Perhaps there are a lot of illnesses among all staff and students that can be prevented?
There is the Scrubby Bear Program. Just Google it.
Minnesota Department of Health has handwashing resources
This article describes how to initiate a handwashing program in school. If you have nursing studnets assigned to you, this is a great program to ask them to carry out:
Rodriquez, S. (2002). The importance of school based handwashing programs. Journal of School Nursing, 18, 19-22.
Another that talks about hand sanitizers:
Vessey, J. A., Sherwood, J. J., Warner, D., & Clark, D. (2007). Comparing hand washing to hand sanitizers in reducing elementary school students' absenteeism. Pediatric Nursing,