I just wanna be a DNR

Nurses General Nursing


Thought you all might like this. I gotta say....these words ring very true.




I'm now totally addicted to listening to this song!!!! I can't get it out of my head!!! I have to listen to it all the time now. It's so fantastic and so true!!!!:yeah:

Specializes in LTC.

Wow, I love it. I've been thinking about doing hospice care when I graduate and I think that just sealed the deal.

Thank you so much for sharing

I like those nurses, whomever they are.


Specializes in EMS, ER, GI, PCU/Telemetry.

that is awesome!! i love it! i wish i was creative enough to come up with something like that, lol.

The creativity of some people just amazes me!

Specializes in Acute care, Community Med, SANE, ASC.

Oustanding. Love it.

Specializes in ortho/neuro/general surgery.

Love it!!! :yeah::yeah::yeah::heartbeat:heartbeat:heartbeat

Specializes in ortho/neuro/general surgery.

Some day, after my kids are grown (or, God forbid, before) I'm gonna get a tattoo on my chest that has CPR with a circle around it and a slash through it and the words "Do Not Resuscitate, Put that 300 joules on me and I'll haunt you". :smokin: :saint:

I'm not joking, either.:redbeathe I've told many of my coworkers that if I end up like this or that patient, not to pound on my chest, and some of them have told me the same. I DO NOT want to die like that. No Terri Shiavo court cases over me:no: pull the @#$% plug! And I do have a will written up already that also states that, in more legal-friendly terms, of course.

This great video is still my favorite. I am still enjoying it very much. :yeah:

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