Published May 9, 2009
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
I'm going back to the floor if I can get a gig.
Wish me luck!
Ginger's Mom, MSN, RN
3,181 Posts
Leaving informatics! That seems like a huge loss. I can understand wanting to get to the bedside. How about trying home health ? I like it because you can only deal with patient at a time. Anyways best of luck and malpractice is the best money you can spend.
Thanks, Alex.
I'm not really in informatics. My boss doesn't give me anything - she gloms it all and I have morphed into a Windows held desk tech. Nah. Plus, she's insane.
I miss people. Informatics also turned out to be an area in which clinicians are ignored, and what we are doing really doesn't follow the informatics standard at all. It's all about compliance and billing and not at all about easing the documentation load and interpeting the data for the clinicians. In other words, my experience has been that it's bogus.
Jules A, MSN
8,864 Posts
Whoever you decide to apply with would be a fool not to snatch you up! What areas are you considering? Keep us posted.
Thanks, Jules. I would LIKE the ER. I am applying for float, ED, and med/surg. Really, I don't have the experience for the rest. I've been an LPN in LTC. Now I'm an RN in systems. I need a little, mm, seasoning.
476 Posts
Sorry that the informatics thing was bogus for you. I gave teaching in IS a whirl - won't ever do that again!
Best to you with your job hunt - your new employer will be truly blessed to have you on board.
Keep us posted!
DebanamRN, MSN, RN
601 Posts
Good luck!
545 Posts
Good luck! You'll be good at whatever you do.
722 Posts
Thanks, Alex.I'm not really in informatics. My boss doesn't give me anything - she gloms it all and I have morphed into a Windows held desk tech. Nah. Plus, she's insane.I miss people. Informatics also turned out to be an area in which clinicians are ignored, and what we are doing really doesn't follow the informatics standard at all. It's all about compliance and billing and not at all about easing the documentation load and interpeting the data for the clinicians. In other words, my experience has been that it's bogus.:)
Hi Sue
I've been following your journey, as I've been interested in informatics myself, for the reasons you have mentioned - better data interpretation for clinicians and easing the documentation load. There are so many areas where things can be improved, which will lead to better patient outcomes and less overtime. I am surprised to hear what it is really like, but I'm very glad you posted the truth about informatics, as I've been seriously considering getting a masters in informatics for the abovementioned reasons.
I'm looking to get off of the floor because I've had more than one occasion where I felt patient safety was truly in jeopardy, while management was aware and did nothing. I see other nurses in the same predicament who are scared to speak up about bad (and sometimes illegal) working conditions for fear of losing their job. I hope your experience of getting back on the floor does not mirror what mine has been. I can understand wanting to get back to working with patients though. I really enjoy being able to do so much for them. Its a tough situation - I wish the best for you!
Ayvah, my experience in informatics is just that, and limited. I know there are many who love what they're doing. My problem is a control freak boss.
Check out the informatics forum. Angela, the mod, adores what she's doing.
1,237 Posts
vashtee, RN
1,065 Posts
Best wishes in your job hunting!