I hate SATA's.....


Specializes in Assisted Living.

Just wondering who invented this format to be put on the NCLEX exam. He or she must be crazy.

Thank you so much for making our lives miserable for not passing this exam because of your very

good format of making this exam hard for us to pass. I HATE YOUR SATA's. I think its dumb and ridiculous.

Having a hard questions on the multiple choice format its enough already let along with your SATA's

makes it more HARDER....THANK YOU! :argue: I hope you guys are HAPPY.

Is there anyone here ...ANYONE who can help and knows a good technique on answering this stupid format. PLEASE...PLEASE...Can you kindly respond back to me..Thank you again...:loveya:


SATAs are not hard on the NCLex. Know Primary prevention (prevent complications), compliance and the disease/drug. That's the only way you gonna get it. If you never saw/heard it, don't pick it

Specializes in OB, Peds, Med Surg and Geriatric Nsg.

Me too! I hate it! Sometimes I almost get them all, sometimes I don't. And SATA's are usually in the exam. I guess it's really rare if you don't get one.

Specializes in ED.

its like a daily double, if you get it correct, it gets your scoring near the passing range

Specializes in Assisted Living.
SATAs are not hard on the NCLex. Know Primary prevention (prevent complications), compliance and the disease/drug. That's the only way you gonna get it. If you never saw/heard it, don't pick it

What??? You made it sound more complicated. Can you explain it to me like am a 12 years old.


Must be easy for you but for most people..like me had a hard time with it. Another thing i hate about it is.....

if you get one of the answer wrong...all of your answer is wrong...its kinda BULL...t! don't you think..

What??? You made it sound more complicated. Can you explain it to me like am a 12 years old.


Must be easy for you but for most people..like me had a hard time with it. Another thing i hate about it is.....

if you get one of the answer wrong...all of your answer is wrong...its kinda BULL...t! don't you think..

Trust me. Those on Kaplan are 100 times harder than those on the NCLEX. My second question was a SATA. I was like :eek: then :D cuz I know for sure I nailed it.

Do not overanalyze and do not keep looking for ways to select a choice. Just pick those you are sure of or those that would make the patient safe (siderails up...) and those that promote health (exercise, no smoking, sleep...).

The main part is what they askin g you. Are they saying you should pick smth wrong or smth right. I HAD TONS OF THEM. I had probably 10-20. I was :coollook: just to ease my anxiety.

SATAs count for a whole lot because a SATA can be a combination of 2-6 areas. :argue:

I will make a detailed thread plan on how to pass the NCLEX easily tomorrow. Found out I passed!!!:D

Specializes in ED.

remember the SATAs are analysis type of questions. its good to answer them. they are not really hard, you just have to analyze them carefully

Specializes in None.

I'm dumb :confused: and it might contribute to the reason why I'm asking this, but what is SATA? :imbar

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

SATA= Select All That Apply

Specializes in None.
Specializes in Assisted Living.
remember the SATAs are analysis type of questions. its good to answer them. they are not really hard, you just have to analyze them carefully

Its probably not that hard. What i hate the most is when you choose a wrong item, all of your answer are wrong already even tho you choose three or four of them right out of six items...ITS SO UNFAIR. AT least they should make it like ..if you choose three right or most of them right..they should consider it..instead of making everything wrong...If you have 25 SATA's and you did bad on all of it..your chance of passing is not good...Its crazy...This is the one that makes me really angry..same thing with Drag and Drop questions...

Before time, before this CAT was introduce. The test format are all MULTIPLE CHOICE ONLY..NOW ..they put this stupid Alternate format..that makes it harder to pass this damn test.. I hope they revise this exam again. Grrrr!

Take some time to relax and put all of this into perspective.

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