I didn't get in to the RN program and I thought I did.

Nursing Students General Students


I turned in the last of my paperwork to the admissions secretary today and confirmed she received my background check and drug screen information. I THOUGHT I was all set to go...

It turns out I'm actually an "alternate" and am not actually IN the program. I've gone and spoken to this woman several times and she even told me my schedule would be up "this evening" the last time I was in her office (about a week ago). I feel pretty let down, not to mention angry. She told me they accidently sent the wrong email out to each alternate, so I guess I'm not the only one in for a rude awakening. They also called and left me messages at work and at home saying I had been accepted and to get everything turned in quickly. I want to punch someone in the face! Any volunteers? :uhoh3:

Just venting:devil:

Specializes in Emergency.

Awww, sorry to hear that TurtleSoup. Have you thought about approaching someone higherup in the school, to argue that you were already informed of admission, and had started to make arrangements for such? I mean, when were they planning to tell you that you're an alternate? Thats not fair.

Specializes in Pain Management.

Your anger is justified. Incompetence in those that you really are depending on is the worst.

I'll let you punch me in the face...although I might hit back.

Awww, sorry to hear that TurtleSoup. Have you thought about approaching someone higherup in the school, to argue that you were already informed of admission, and had started to make arrangements for such? I mean, when were they planning to tell you that you're an alternate? Thats not fair.

I thought about a lot of things, but I want the admissions people on my side;) There is hope...I'm the 3rd alternate and there are 12 people who are likely to fall through. I was told 12 people have not turned in anything yet and they must have everything in by this wednesday at the latest. What concerns me is the unreliable source.:trout:

Your anger is justified. Incompetence in those that you really are depending on is the worst.

I'll let you punch me in the face...although I might hit back.

You are not allowed to hit back! heehee

One of my good friends was on an alternate list and got the call the day classes started that she was in... so hope isn't lost... don't give up!

Specializes in OB.

5 of our alternates made it into the program. Dont give up just yet

You're number 3? You're as good as in.

Hang tough!

Specializes in LDRP.

Yeah, I bet you'll have a seat! Hang in there--nursing departments are notoriously disorganized. Ugh!

Specializes in ED, Cardiology.

Do not give up yet, life changes quickly and things come up to other students.

Good luck!

I was alternate #8 and i got to start last semester, i would definitely get ready to begin if i were you, you had a way better shot than i did and i got in. Its funny to cause i was worried but i just knew for some reason that i would get in, and then when i seen how everyone decided not to start, or they have different problem that hold them back and you see why they choose alternates. Even some of the alternates turn there spot down lol.

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!! we are all rooting for ya

Thanks for the encouragement everyone!!!

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