I can't get a job, i'm so sad.

Nurses LPN/LVN


I' am a new Grad. i have 2 months alredy looking for a job.

i'm from San Diego. i have been everywhere.not luck at all.

i was CNA and PCT. i have IV certif. and others thing. but not experience as LVN.

What should i do? i though as soon i get the licence, i'll get a job.:o

I went to the health fair this monday. but the recluter they' said just go on line and apply. but i said OK but then was the objective of the fair if they not even had that list of opening.

i have applied about 20 or more jobs online.

Thank you. if there is some one from san diego who wants to give a glue i would really appreciate.;)

Specializes in Registry, all over the place.

Looking for a registry in SD, try Pacifica Health and Medical or La Jolla Nurses.

Specializes in Knuckle Dragging Nurse aka MTA.

This is a very well respected regeristy that pays $32 - $35 / hr. No taxes are taken out , and no benefits... but it is a great company and the people I know that worked through them are very happy.


Not sure if they opperate in southern california.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
I' am a new Grad. i have 2 months alredy looking for a job.

i'm from San Diego. i have been everywhere.not luck at all.

i was CNA and PCT. i have IV certif. and others thing. but not experience as LVN.

What should i do? i though as soon i get the licence, i'll get a job.:o

I went to the health fair this monday. but the recluter they' said just go on line and apply. but i said OK but then was the objective of the fair if they not even had that list of opening.

i have applied about 20 or more jobs online.

Thank you. if there is some one from san diego who wants to give a glue i would really appreciate.;)

Is English a second language for you? You really need to ensure that your resumes and employment applications are flawless, and totally free of any grammatical errors.

No offense, but your original post lacks any mastery of the English language.

Helooo! I said I kown my English is not the best. but I also said my Resume it has been check and looks great. I have a lot of Education, a lot of college credit class. good GPA.

It just when I applied the company wants me to have 2 years of experience or at least 1 year and I am a new grad.

But also I start feeling offended by some of you and yours issues in my English as a second language, so if you don't have something nice to say to makes me feel better, please don't say nothing at all. because I already feel awful.

but for those ones, whom gave me good advice, I want to say thank you very much. Next week, I have an interview job, Iam so nervious and excited, so I hope I do well.

I'll let u know if i get the job.

Bye Bye

Specializes in floor to ICU.

Curious to find out how the interview went. Keep us posted and good luck.

Hi. Today i got two interviews.

The first one, it is a nice & clean failicity. pay 20/hr. ratio 1/15. they hiring me right there. at the moment. I was so excited, that I didn't thinking about it. i was waiting for soo long for an opportunity like this. I will start tomorrow for orientation.

Then I went to my second Interview, I wasn't excited anymore. but the nurse director told me, that she likes me and she want me to work there. tha pay is 25-27dll/hr and plus 2dll in the night shift, but is only a part-time job.

So, now I feel underappreciate it in the first job. Im not sure what to do. If I work part-time on both, or fult-time in the first job.

This wednesday I have a nother interview with an important hospital, but now I don't want to go there anymore. but I have to go to see what they are offering me.

Can you believed it. First nobody call me, I was so sad and depress. and now 2 offers and one more interview.

Life sometime is so hard to understand.

Now I am so happy.

Specializes in Knuckle Dragging Nurse aka MTA.

15/1 is a dream ratio for LVN's. I would grab that job too!

Specializes in Mental Health.

Congrats...patience is hard, but pays off.

Thank you for all your comments, it means a lot to me, right now.

yes, i have been walked into the facility. but they said have u applied online. that's wahy i stop doing that. but now i'll start over.

and yes i aplied in hospital and clinic and odctor offices. but now i'll try long term care.

I went to agency, but i want to be training. i don't want just to be send it into a place just like that.

i'll see what happens.

thank you again.

Don't be discouraged. You will get a job. This will give you time to really consider your options instead of having to jump at the first thing that comes your way. Last, but not least, you can always ask God for help. The last time I got a job it took me 2 months before someone would call me back. And I'm a RN with a BSN. So, we all have those times that things may not happen as fast as we expect them to. Especially when they need nurses soooo badly. So, pray, and pray humbly and incessantly. God will hear you and things will come not when you want them to, but right on time.

God bless and good luck. :balloons:


I got the first job, full time. 5 days Orientation. I hope everthing goes Fine, I am so excited and happy. I hope I took the right decision.

But still Tomorrow I am going for the other interview( just curious).

Do you know what can I say, If I want to reyect the offer, without closing the change of working there in the future?.

Thank you

Don't be sad keep trying. Sometimes things like this are a good thing, and you will get a great job that you really want. I didn't get hired at the hospital, or clinic when I was new out of nursing school as a rn. I found a different job and worked there for a year and loved it. I am out applying for jobs right now also, and it is hard.

What is a MTA/LVN and are you saying $6200.00 monthly really?

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