so I found out...


Some guy how has a known bad attitude, was talking about me after class to a class mate. This guy is really rude, he hates when people ask questions, speak in class basically he isn't good with people. He's just plain rude. Our classes are set up so that if you have a comment or question the instructors actually encourages it. Anyway's apparently he hated the fact that I have talked to the teacher during bio on break about broken bones( I talked about bone cells being shown to multiply in creatine and that it's being used for bone and muscle mass) even though we were on break, he was telling someone I was opinionated and loud,talkative and needed to shut my mouth. This shocks me as I rarely say anything in class during teaching, never talk to class mates during lecture. I sometimes ask questions though we are told we should, if you ask questions and fail the teachers could still pass you as long as you contributed to class discussion. My big thing is do I confront him even though he has done this to other people or should I let it slide... I was thinking of telling him he'd get further if he actually told me his issues rather talking about me to other people.

If it were me, I'd let it go. It's just not worth the drama of confontation.

I've had the same problem at school. There is a girl in my class that has the exact same attitude, but in her case, she likes to do all the talking, and hates it if anyone else talks. She see's it as trying to get attention. I've gotten harassed by her a lot, and she talks about me continuously day after day after day. I got so tired of hearing from fellow classmates, "guess what she said today about you!" that I finally told them politely that I couldn't care less, to please keep it to themselves, and that I was much more interested in school and doing my best to suceed, than I was about anything she was gossiping about.

In my case, she still runs her mouth, I ignore it, and focus on my studies. That's the best advice I have for you in your situation as well. :)

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

Ignore it. There is no need to stir things up. He's just not important enough in your life to waste time and effort on -- and risk causing even more problems with him.

He'll move on .... So will you.

Consider the source. Pick your battles. :)

Specializes in Acute Mental Health.

I think I would let it slide unless/until he decided to talk directly to me with his opinions of me. Then, I might tell him to go ahead and let the instructor know. If the instructor has a problem with you, they can let you know. He seems more like the kind of person that just likes to talk crap about others. It'll be interesting to see if he makes it. :devil:

I'd just ignore that mess...ppl will always talk about something or someone, especially when you get into the RN world(and into management). Let it ride :twocents:

Specializes in LTC, Psych, Hospice.

I just don't waste my time....what others think of me isn't any of my business. I already have more than enough on my plate.

I used to get upset about stuff like this too. I used to let it waste more of my energy than not. Now that I'm older, it's not worth it.

I have a phrase that I use in cases like these, "It's their problem, it's their issue, I'm glad I'm not them". If you repeat this enough, it helps in all different situations! Good luck and it's not worth stressing over!

Specializes in L&D.

Let it go. It's his own problem.

I say let it go! Think of it this way, since you were discussing something with the instructor, and I'm assuming that you were holding your own in the discussion, it's possible that he was jealous that you could have an intelligent conversation with the instructor and not get talked under the table, so to speak.

Take it in stride, you didn't do anything wrong, and he sounds like a bit of a jerk anyway! ;)

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

Not worth the effort. Let it go.

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