Published Feb 17, 2006
studentnurse74, LPN, LVN
550 Posts
I just found out, but am not surprised. This was my first attempt. I had 265 questions. I've been studying for 3 months, following Suzanne's methods, and took a review course through my employer. I found the test extremely difficult, like nothing I had seen. I feel I couldn't even make educated guesses. I just don't know what to do.
512 Posts
I am sorry to hear that you didn't pass. I am sure that upcoming posts will be able to give you good advice on how to pass next time. Please look at this as a learning experience!!!
16 Posts
Hi there! First of all, I am so sorry to hear that you did not pass this time. Take away from this what you have learned and build upon it to pass the next time. Secondly, I want to preface by saying I am certainly no expert and have not yet taken my NCLEX (april 3), but I do want to offer some tips and help. We can all get through this!!!!
I would like to ask you.. how many practice questions did you do? Did you concentrate on your weakest points? Did you focus on prioritization questions? Which course did your employer have you do?
I am just looking for some more info to give you the best advise possible.
The course I took was through Drexel University, they guarantee you'll pass. I did tons of questions, from several different books and cds. I did all I could to prepare, but was very surprised at the questions I received on the test.
1,553 Posts
There is good news in this. The good new is that now you know what to expect for the next time. You can think of the first time as a trial run. I did an online review through but that was about 3 years ago so I don't know if it still exists. I also read the Kaplan book, and had 5 CD's that I did questions from. Don't give up. You now know what to expect. You will pass next time. :kiss
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,838 Posts
I'm sorry to hear that. Be good to yourself. Good luck!
112 Posts
I am sorry to hear that you didn't pass. Keep yourself positive and stay focused. Take a couple days to reenergize. Think about the positives, you passed nursing school.....that's a major feat in itself.... I will pray for passing of the test and don't give up on yourself.
Have a blessed day.
27 Posts
Hi..I am sorry you didn't pass but I hope I can share how I studied for the NCLEX. I took the test on 2/07/06 and passed with 80 questions. Like everybody I know that took the test, I thought the test was terrible. I was never really sure of my answers. But I was able elimate the wrong answers to get the right answer..
It took me about 3hrs to answer 80 questions. I use kaplan's approach to answer all my questions. The NCLEX is not a test on nursing knowlegde, it really is a test on critical thinking..( don't get me wrong you do need to know the basics, and if you graduated nursing school you have the knowlegde. You just have to trust that you know it and bring it out.
You probably know the basic about the NCLEX hospital. It is not like the really world. You have all the time in the world and everything you need to take care of your patients. DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT read into the question...YOu have to know your normal lab values....
Take the time to work through the questions. THey give you 6 hrs. It is better to spend all the time you need on a question to get it right than rush through it and get it wrong. I highly recommend taking kaplan to study for your next test....I know it is expensive but it is worth every penny. If you calculate the loss in wages by not being able to work as a RN it actually saves you money. I really hope this helps!!! Good luck in the Future!!!