HRSA nursing scholarship

Nursing Students General Students


Hey, did anyone apply for the HRSA Nursing Scholarship Program, and if so, has anyone gotten word on acceptance yet? I know that they weren't going to start making notifications until after July 1st, but I'm already going totally berzerk just waiting!:bugeyes: I noticed that they checked my credit on July 2nd, but I have no idea if that means I made their first group pick or if they just automatically check the credit on everyone who made it into the first funding preference. Anyone else out there going crazy while waiting??

i also applied. how do you know they checked your credit? when i called them they said that notification would not be until september or so then by email.



I actually just happened to check my credit report online, cause I do it several times a year. And they were listed as checking my credit on July 2nd. Your credit report shows all checks that post to your account for a certain period of time.

Go check your report and see if you got a hit from them! Like I said, though, I have no idea if they check the credit of the first picks only, or if they check all applicants credit. The latter seems like a very costly option, however!

Were you in the First Funding Preference group?

I applied and am waiting. I've got a 0 EFC but I'm in a 2-year associates program so not sure what my odds are. I've tried to put it out of my mind until Sept so that I'm not anxious about it all the time. Can you tell me what website you used to check your credit?

i also have 0 efc, and am starting a 2 year program in august. i wonder why they wait so long to let you know. i would guess this girl will need to get another loan next semester, especially since we will not even hear until sept or so.

what a wonderful thing this would be to receive........fingers crossed:yeah:

i wonder why they wait so long to let you know.

it takes so long to notify all the applicants because they will run a first pick and give those applicants a certain amount of time to respond with a "yea or nay". then, they will run a second pick to fill the remaining slots from the first pick non-takers, and give those people some time to respond. they will keep doing that until all slots are filled, and so the very last picks could essentially not find out until september. the first picks will likely be notified sometime in july or august.

Can you tell me what website you used to check your credit?

Do a google search for "free credit report" and read up on the entire process. Everyone can get 3 free credit reports per year, according to new federal law. BUT, the companies can make it a bit tricky so you need to read up on ways to get a legitimate credit report. Sorry I'm not giving you more specifics, it's just that where you go to get your report is a personal decision. There are some bum sites out there, so you need to get educated so as to not be taken for a ride.

That's why I asked where you went so that I didn't give my info to a scam - but I ended up going to Experian. HRSA checked my credit on July 6.

I read somewhere on this board that for some people HRSA email was going to their spam box so be sure to check there too.

i pulled my experian credit report but did not see where anyone had looked at it. i don't know if that is good or bad? or the wrong credit report?????:D

Seasoned, look for a tab or section that says "credit Inquiries" in your credit report. See anything?

To get a free credit report for all 3 bureaus without having to provide credit card info is

Good luck to you all!

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