How are things with your home life while in school?

Nursing Students General Students


So, in the general nursing section, I read a post from someone whose husband is starting to get a little worried about her choice of specialties once she has graduated (ER).

So, considering I am having some problems of my own with hubby adjusting to me being in school, and his fear that once I am financially independent that I am going to leave, I wanted to get some input from other students who may be dealing with the same things at home.

He didn't get blindsided with this, I have been telling him for awhile what I wanted to do (before we even got married!), and that it was a huge commitment. He finally makes enough that I can get by with part time work, so I went back to school. We have been married for almost 4 years, some of which has been rocky, and his attitude makes me want to throw my hands up in frustration. It scares me because he's going to make me crazy, and his constant battle with me over the time I'm gone for school and studying (I am working full time and going to school full time until I start nursing school proper) and how I am going to walk away from him is going to make me do just that.

Does it ever get better? I'm really trying here, but it makes it tough when you feel like someone wants to stand in your way and they should be supporting you. I'm just trying to make our lives better, and to accomplish something I have been dreaming of for years. :banghead:

Specializes in Telemetry.

Boy oh boy....I am so sorry to hear that. God will see you through...You will pick yourself up and drive right back in the game, it will work out in time.

I am going back to school! I found myself in the Coastal Bend of Texas, new man in my life... who is extremely supportive and fully expects me to decide to get my PHD at some point. Guess things worked out ok!

Specializes in Geriatrics.

I don't have kids yet, but I CAN NOT study with my fiance around. I will be only 10 minutes into studying, and he asks me if I'm done yet because he wants to spend time with me. Now I will just go to the library to study (which actually works out better, because I get too distracted at home). I don't think he understands the amount of studying that's involved in nursing school. We live together, but he works a TON of hours in his job (60+ a week) so I actually have a lot of time to study when I get out of school before I see him, since usually he doesn't come home until around 8-9 pm.

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