How to relax?


I'm currently working on my pre-reqs and suddenly a huge load of personal family stress has just been dumped on my lap. I just finished spring quarter at my school and start summer quarter soon. Anyways, ranting aside, I just wanted to know what type of relaxation/stress management techniques have worked best for you guys. I live at home with my mom and two siblings (who are both causing this stress), I can't move out (no money), etc. I know Nursing School is highly stressful and want to be prepared with an army of relaxation techniques to help me make it through just this summer.

Why I ask is because I tend to deal fairly poorly with huge bursts of sudden stress, and it's something I'm really trying to work on. I know that'll be my weakness in Nursing School, so I figured to try to deal with it now when I really, really need it.

Any advice? Anything would be appreciated; I'm desperate. :lol2:

I took a stress management course in college and can't remember much, if anything. We learned how to do massage. A nice very warm relaxing bath with pleasant music, maybe a couple of sips of wine if you drink alcohol. Deep breathing exercises along with muscle relaxation. Soothing white noise at bedtime. You could probably find a lot of ideas if you do an internet search or look for a book on the subject at the bookstore. One of the best things I have found is a regular exercise routine. Easier to relax when you are in shape. Also the physical act of excercise makes stress go away or at least it lessens. HTH

Specializes in Acute Care Psych, DNP Student.

I used to do Hatha yoga and Kundalini yoga to relieve stress. I would practice these at home using DVDs. Kundalini yoga is a bit interesting because it involves some fast breathing that changes your acid/base balance. Kundalini is very relaxing (and strange appearing, at first).

Any type of aerobic activity would be good, and weight-lifting as well. Is there any specific type of exercise you really enjoy?

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