How did your parents react when you told them you wanted to be a nurse?


Just wondering:sarcastic:. Still going through that stage.

My mom was extremely excited, as I am the only one of my brothers that hasn't earned a degree yet. We were the first in the family to attend college so that mattered very much to her. That excitement has lead to her helping me with a lot of my tuition, so I'm happy too! LOL

My parents were very excited for me, not necessarily because of what I was going for specifically, but because I had finally pinpointed exactly what I wanted to do with my life.

Specializes in Primary Care.

Laugher and assuming I was joking. My first degree was biology, so this wasn't my first rodeo, also I really hate people lol. But it's a solid career path with lots if room for growth, and I'm doing well with it despite the initial cynicism (although I do still hate people and revel in my days off). I've been working as a floor nurse for 2 years now and planning to further my education.


Oops, using the app on my phone, and just noticed this was posted in a male nurse thread. My bad - I'm not a male :-p


Oops, using the app on my phone, and just noticed this was posted in a male nurse thread. My bad - I'm not a male :-p

I, too, did not realize this. Sorry!!

Specializes in Leadership, Psych, HomeCare, Amb. Care.

I was a married father at the time. Wife was supportive, as was my mother.

my sister tried to talk me out of it, but it was my life, my career, my decision, and it worked out well.

Its okay I just wanted a male perspective because it can be different.

Its okay I just wanted a male perspective because it can be different.

Oh it's absolutely different, and I think it's so strange that this is still the case in this present day and age. I've heard of men being teased for going into a "woman's profession," but what about nursing is feminine? The blood, urine, feces, wounds, stress, physical labor? What in there sounds feminine?? *end rant*

Maybe the caring part throws men off. Plus the media doesn't help either. In meet the parents they should have supported him in his choices. Maybe more men would see nursing as a great opportunity. And plus, I think it all comes from childhood toys. Girls get dolls and act like their sick and care for them. While boys get trucks and blocks. Those toys are steering them into female and male dominated areas unfortunately.

One guy I work with told us that when he showed interest in nursing, his parents told him they'd help cut his member off and started laughing.

One guy I work with told us that when he showed interest in nursing, his parents told him they'd help cut his member off and started laughing.

Wow. Not even sure what to say about that. Wonder what folks would say if they realized that men made up the majority of nurse's before Florence Nightingale?

My wife and parent's both have been very supportive, especially after several failed attempts at other career choices due to lay offs or just bad decisions.

Specializes in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.

I was the one told to do it by my parents and brother (parents aren't nurses, but my brother is and it runs in my extended family...Filipino too haha). Whenever I meet my friend's parents, most, if not all were enlightened and supportive, especially being a male.

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