How much math on the NCLEX?


I'm studying to take the NCLEX on July 16th.

For those of you who have taken the NCLEX, how many math questions did you get? Cuz man...I'm so rusty.

Specializes in Acute Care of the Elderly.

Out of 75 Qs I only had 2 math. Neither was horrible:up:

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Vary some say they had none and I can't remember any and others say they got a few or several. You just can't predict

Specializes in ER, Med/Surg, MICU.

I didn't have any math questions and cut off at 75.

Specializes in Neuro, Med/Surg, OB.

I had one math question and it cut off at 75. The question I had was an easy one. I didn't have to convert anything. Good luck!

Specializes in NICU.

had one out of 75Q... and it was a longy... had to convert (lb to kg, mg to mcg, min to hr) and all!

Took my Nclex today, got no math.

Specializes in Case Management, Psychiatric Nursing.

i had 2 math questoins

goodl uck!

No math, passed at 75. You really don't want to see math on the NCLEX, they are considered lower lever questions.

I have another question regarding math...I am looking for a college algebra or Finite mathematics course on-line...Anyone know where I can find one that would not be very difficult to pass??? Dispertely seeking help....:crying2:

Specializes in Cardiac.

No math, 75 questions.

Like a PP memtioned, math is a bad sign.

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