How Much Did you Make as a Student Nurse Tech??


I know after the 1st semester (at least here in SC), you can work as a student Nurse Tech at the hospital. I'm just curious as to what the range is for that, and/or what you made as a student NT. I'm just trying to figure out what kind of work I should do while in nursing school. I do have my CNA certificate, and could work at a registry/staffing agency PRN while in school. Just not sure what the better option is. Thanks!! :)

Specializes in ICU/ER.

You should post this in your state under region. I know in my state of Indiana we no longer recognize Nurse Techs. If you are in your last semester of nursing school you will still be considered a CNA but the nurses will probably let you do some things under thier direct supervison and the door closed--but you wont get paid for it.

And before anyone gets on and says "you should not be doing any nursing procedure with out a lic...yes we all know this. We also know that behind closed doors some nurses will gladly let a last semester Nursing student drop an NG tube with the RN watching and guiding. But it wont be it right? no, does it happen? Everyday

Specializes in Med Surg, Ortho.

As a student nurse, I made $12.50/hr......$3-4/hr was added to that for weekend nights.

$12/hr. $14/hr on weekends.

In WV $11/hr + 0.65 for evening/night/weekend.

I believe it was around $13 an hour + differentials. I started out as a student nurse intern and once that ended I stayed there as a tech and they paid me the same rate.

Specializes in OB/Neonatal, Med/Surg, Instructor.

$7 plus $2 shift diff back in the 80's, today it is $8 and change with a $3 shift diff. Our hospital was going to do away with nurse techs but found it was too hard to find enough good CNAs to staff the med/surg units so they scrapped that idea real quick.

Specializes in Tele, MSN-education grad. 5/10.
You should post this in your state under region. I know in my state of Indiana we no longer recognize Nurse Techs. If you are in your last semester of nursing school you will still be considered a CNA but the nurses will probably let you do some things under thier direct supervison and the door closed--but you wont get paid for it.

And before anyone gets on and says "you should not be doing any nursing procedure with out a lic...yes we all know this. We also know that behind closed doors some nurses will gladly let a last semester Nursing student drop an NG tube with the RN watching and guiding. But it wont be it right? no, does it happen? Everyday

Anyone who does this risks losing their job at my hospital. Just because some RNs let senior nursing students who are techs on their shift do procedures doesn't make it right. I would not risk my job. Let the preceptors and nursing instructors take the responsibility.

BTW, I was a nurse tech my last year in nursing school paid $10hr. I believe CNAs would be paid more at an agency.

Specializes in Mental Health, Surgical-Ortho.

At my hospital, in Indiana, we have nurse externs that have the exact same job discription as the CNA/PCAs (the top of my job discription says PCA/Nurse Extern). We do the same thing, however the externs get paid 1.50 more than I do an hour. I make 10.91 + diff, they make 12.41 + diff. Of course the PCAs get overtime, and the externs are limited to 24 hours a week (unless there is a dire need).

Specializes in Geriatrics, Transplant, Education.

I made $13.25 an hour, plus shift differentials. It really depends on where you live, though.

over here in southern CA, all the hospitals call the position something different, whether it be tech partner, HCA, or uncertified nurses assistant... all of which you can be as a student nurse. I was just hired as a HCA, which is basically a nurses aide plus rotations as a unit clerk. I will be starting at 12/hr plus diff due to night shift... and because I dont have any past experience besides nursing school.

Down here in FL, 13/hr plus shift differential. Final semester of nursing school we get 15/hr plus shift diff.

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