Published Dec 24, 2005
127 Posts
I am getting really fed up with the way things are in this country. I want to leave. I'd love to go to Europe. My question is, how do you just pack up and leave? Has anyone ever done this? Is it really difficult?
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
You need to go thru the immigration process to be able to legally work in another country. You cannot just go and get a job. Not sure if you are a nurse or not. But you are looking at about 12 months minimum for most countries, just for immigration, not including the time that it takes to get your nursing license to practice there.
94 Posts
Last year I started looking into moving also- around November time. It turns out I probably couldn't even get into Canada. As it turns out, other don't let you just come over and get on their welfare system (not that I would but you get the point) - they look at your credit, health hx, skills and education, work hx, financial situation (you better have money saved up), etc. My brother had a DUI once a long time ago and he can't even GO into Canada (it's a felony there.) Anyway, good luck and keep us updated on what you find!
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Geena, BSN, RN
218 Posts
Love the Bush comment...:rotfl:
But, Why Why Why....? I am very European; aren't we all these days in our smug little Community; but the truth is; in all the countries here; the pay really sucks and professionally speaking we are nowhere near the standards of you guys; exceptions apply of course. Would not want to be offending anyone on Christmas Eve! In some countries; nursing is still considered a trade or a skill, not even a profession! Something that those, who could not make it to universities do. Gaaaah!
Anyway, my point is; many of us really want to make it all the way there, it is a real brain drain for Europe, but still nothing changes over here. Nursing means living from hand to mouth. Cost of living is ghastly. The taxman has no mercy even for us little people.
Before making a move; maybe take a sabbatical and try if it fits you?
Christmas greetings; NurseGeenaEurope
NurseLatteDNP, MSN, DNP, RN
825 Posts
I Germany they will let you stay as long as you have a job. I know that because the same thing happened to my (American) husband when we were dating. But the problem is that you need to know the language in order to work there. That was his problem. Nobody wanted to give him a job unless he learns to speak German. We are in the US now.:chuckle
107 Posts
A friend of mine is in the process of doing this right now as he has expressed some of the sentiment of the OP. However, he has it a little easier because he's an EU citizen (i.e. no immigration), but the unemployment rate for his age group is 20-30%. He's selling his house and most of his stuff so he should be able to get housing over there (checked prices) but he doesn't know the language and the tax rate is double to triple what it is here.
I would suggest you do some looking into a country or countries you're interested in moving to. You may think it is bad here, but it is worse in many places of the world. I'm not trying to discourage you, only to show that it's not easy. There are problems everywhere, so it's a matter of what your preference for problems is.
If you are an American RN wishing to work in Europe, you are looking at about 18 months or so, by the time that you get your license and go thru thier immigration process. Your US license isn't a license for working there, you will need to take their licensing exam for many of the countries. Plus you have immigration issues to consider, same as when a foreign nurse wishes to work in the US. Just a reverse. Not something that can be done overinght.
You may think it is bad here, but it is worse in many places of the world. I'm not trying to discourage you, only to show that it's not easy.
I agree with that. I know in Germany the cost of living has doubled since they introduced the new Euro (money). My parents who still live there say that most people there will never be able to afford them a house. They are just so expensive. The unemployment rate is high too. My husband who is American wants us to move back to Frankfurt because he loves it there, but I don't want to, because I see past the pretty landscapes, I just know that we will have it better here in the US.
Yes, I must admit eur 1000 in hand at the end of the month is not really inspiring. Especially if the rent is eur 600, commuting eur 200... do the math....Oi Oi Oi.
starbin, BSN, RN
406 Posts
After reading her some other posts I came to understand that it is not this country or the nursing practice of this country which made her think of leaving USA. there is some sensitive issue behind it. Just read her other posts.
There still is an issue with immigration as well as licensure to deal with. No matter what else is going on.
Have you thought of Australia? Depending on your RN training; if your hours are enough; it is not hard to get a licence as they are really short of us nurses, too. Contact one of their boards; like New South Wales; they will guide you through the licencing procedure. Did that on my own once and it was not too complicated. Language is the same( you'd think!!!!!) ; country is vast and you can pretty much choose where you want to go, big city, small town peace and quiet...Geena